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A week later.

Helping Yuqi get dressed, Jungkook asked, "How is kindergarten honey? Are you liking it?"

Yuqi nodded her head and said, "Yes dada, school is good. Jiyun, Min and I, we always play together."

"That is nice. If anyone tries to bully you, you tell dada okay?" Jungkook asked.

Yuqi nodded her head and said, "Okay."

Just then Lisa came out of the washroom and said, "Jungkook if you are done with Yuqi, go and help Jeonsan get ready."

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Okay."

Pausing for a while, Jungkook asked, "Why are you people taking the kids with you? Isn't it troublesome? I mean you people should shop for yourself first and then we can take the kids shopping later."

"It's fine, it's tiring rushing to the mall again and again. We have other things to take care of too." Lisa said.

"Hmm okay meanwhile I'll take care of the invitations." Jungkook said.

After talking to Peter about Yoongi's and Wendy's wedding, Jungkook told Peter that he would make all the arrangements and he didn't have to worry about anything. Peter insisted on contributing as much as he could but Jungkook politely rejected him saying that he always wanted to give Yoongi a big wedding and Peter should let him complete his wish.


Glory Regency.

"Yoongi you don't have to do this." Wendy said.

Helping her wear her shoes, Yoongi said, "You shouldn't bend down. I read in the pregnancy book that it's not good for a pregnant lady to bend down."

"The baby is still small and it's okay now." Wendy said.

Yoongi shook his head and said, "We cannot take any risk."

Wendy sighed and helplessly shook her head. Her would be husband was too much.

When Yoongi told Wendy about the wedding, at first Wendy told him that there was no need to rush just because his was pregnant. They could take their own sweet time and get married after the baby was born but Yoongi firmly rejected saying that he wanted to marry her as soon as possible because he didn't want people to refer their baby with different unruly names.

"Let's go now." Yoongi said before helping her get up.

After protectively wrapping his arms around her, Yoongi escorted her outside.


Jeon mansion.

All the kids had already gotten ready and were playing in the living room when Yoongi and Wendy arrived at the mansion.

"Uncle Yoongi, Aunty Wendy." the kids shouted before rushing towards them.

"Ahh look at you all dressed so beautifully." Yoongi said before ruffling Jeonsan's hair.

"Even you are coming with us?" Yuqi asked.

Yoongi shook his head and said, "No I won't but your aunt Wendy will."

"The bride is here." Yeji said before rushing towards Wendy.

"Ahhhh I am so happy for you." Yeji said before giving her a tight hug.

"Slowly Yeji Don't forget that she is a would be mom too." Yuna said before giving Wendy a hug.

"Thank you so much." Wendy said.

"This is so awesome you are pregnant and getting married at the same time." Yuna said.

"You know I thought you and Yoongi are the shy ones and Yuna will fall pregnant before you but who would've thought that you both are just shy in front of others but behind the door it's completely different." Yeji said.

"Exactly. Felix and I are together since so many years but still I never got pregnant." Yuna said.

Wendy chuckled and said, "It's not like that."

"Ahhh I want to fall pregnant too." Yuna said.

"Same." Yeji said.

"Yeji let's throw away all the condoms today and let's fall pregnant as soon as possible." Yuna said.

Yeji chuckled and said, "I already told Hyunjin about this but he told me that we must not think about a baby now and enjoy our honeymoon phase."

"This is the best phase and time to get pregnant." Yuna said.

Already turned super red after hearing such blunt and shameless things, Yoongi cleared his throat and said, "I'll go and find big boss." Before walking away.

"Awww he got shy." Yuna said.

The three ladies kept on talking about shameless things until it was time for them to leave.


Shopping mall.

"Hey Del." Yeji shouted when they saw Delila standing outside the mall waiting for them.

"Ahhh congratulations Wendy." Delila said before giving her a hug.

"Thank you so much." Wendy said.

"Alright first let's but clothes for the kids and then we start our shopping okay?" Rosé said.

"Mama I want to eat ice cream." Yuqi said.

Lisa smiled and said, "Of course honey but first we have to buy a beautiful dress of you okay?"

Yuqi giggled and nodded her head before entering the mall along with the others.

A woman who had her face covered with a scarf and goggles, took off her goggles and smiled when she heard the little girl's voice.

After looking left and right, Yeri entered the mall.

Two men who had been following her since a really long time, took out their phones and called their boss to inform him about her whereabouts.

"Boss, she is in the mall now." The guard said.

"Hmm follow her and if she tries to do anything wrong or goes overboard, drive her away." Jungkook said before hanging up the call.

After hanging up the call, the guards entered the mall and followed Yeri closely.


Jeon mansion.

Tossing his phone aside, Jungkook sighed. He had no idea what Yeri wanted but he had this feeling that she was up to no good.

Jungkook knew that the rich backer she had was no more by her side and that is why she came back to country S looking for Sehun. But when Sehun told him about the sudden divorce and about the money that Sehun had given her in return made Jungkook think even more lowly of Yeri.

Jungkook didn't wish to be harsh with her because Yeri had never physically harmed anyone and he would restrain himself until she tries to go near or harm any of his close ones.

They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now