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The dinner meeting with Wendy's family was quite peaceful and satisfying. Ruby really liked Yoongi and said that he is the best man for Wendy. Peter was also quite satisfied with Yoongi. He could see that Yoongi really cared and loved Wendy a lot.

After getting everyone's approval, Yoongi and Wendy decided to move in together.

Yoongi was busy packing his things when Jungkook entered his room and asked, "So all done?"

Yoongi nodded his head and said, "Yes Boss."

Passing him a small envelope, Jungkook said, "Here take this and give it to Wendy."

"What is it Boss?" Yoongi asked.

"This is a card which is linked with yours. Give it to Wendy so that she can have an easy access to your money." Jungkook said.

Taking the envelope, Yoongi said, "Thankyou so much Boss."

Patting his head, Yoongi said, "You don't have to thank me. Just leave a healthy and peaceful life with Wendy."

Yoongi smiled and nodded his head.

"And this room will always be available for you. If someday Wendy throws you out of the house, you can always come here." Jungkook said.

Yoongi chuckled and nodded his head.

"You have to come to work everyday. No slacking okay?" Jungkook said.

Yoongi nodded his head and said, "You don't have to worry about that boss."

"Alright now you pack your things. I'll take my leave." Jungkook said before walking out of the room.


Glory Regency.

"Alright this is the last box." Yoongi said.

Dragging a box, Wendy said, "This is heavy."

Yoongi helplessly shook his head and said, "Wendy you go upstairs and I'll get our bags and then you can arrange our clothes inside the closet."

Wendy nodded her head and left.

After arranging everything, Wendy took a deep breath and said, "Shifting is tough."

Hugging her from behind, Yoongi asked, "Tired?"

Leaning against his body, Wendy said, "Hmm."

"Go and take a shower. Till then I'll order something for us." Yoongi said.

Wendy shook her head and said, "I'll quickly make something for us. We have been eating out quite often these days."

"Groceries?" Yoongi asked.

"I saw a departmental store when we were coming here. Let's go there and buy groceries." Wendy said.

"Wendy we both are tired today especially you. Let's just order take outs today and tomorrow you can cook for us. We can go and buy whatever you need for the kitchen tomorrow morning." Yoongi said.

Wendy thought for a while and said, "Okay."

"So What do you wanna eat?" Yoongi asked.

"Anything will do." Wendy said.

"Hmm go and take a shower, till then I'll order something." Yoongi said before passing her a white towel.


After eating, Yoongi and Wendy headed towards their room.

Though Wendy felt very comfortable with Songpa, but the thought of sharing a room with him made her feel nervous and giddy at the same time.

When Yoongi noticed her slightly pale expression, he chuckled and said, "Don't worry I won't eat you up."

Puffing their pillows, Yoongi said, "We still have a long way to go and I want to take things slow so you don't have to worry. I won't touch you without your permission."

Pulling her closer, Yoongi placed her head on his chest and said, "Sleep well."


[One week leap]

[Three days before the reunion]

Jeon Mansion.

"Honey you have to try the suit." Lisa said.

Zipping the suitcase, Jungkook said, "It's fine, Jennie is familiar with my size."

Caressing her stomach, Lisa said, "I am so excited about the reunion. I wonder how many will come."

Jungkook sighed and said, "I think everyone will come."

"It's gonna be fun then." Lisa said.

"Hmm we have an early flight tomorrow. So take some rest."

"Come and sleep next to me." Lisa said.

Pulling her into his embrace, Jungkook sighed and said, "You actually shouldn't travel in this condition."

Snuggling against his chest, Lisa said, "That is why I am taking you with me. When you are with me, I don't have to worry about anything. With you around, nothing will happen to both of us."

Kissing her forehead, Jungkook said, "Yes now sleep."

After sometime when Jungkook heard her steady breathing, he carefully got off the bed.

Walking towards the balcony with his phone in his hand, Jungkook called Jimin.

"What happened?" Jimin asked in a very hoarse voice.

"I am feeling nervous." Jungkook said.

Jimin sighed and said, "You cannot hide the truth for a really long time Jungkook."

"Hmm I know." Jungkook said.

Jimin chuckled and said, "I think Lisa will divorce you after knowing the truth."

Jungkook frowned and said, "You- that is not going to happen."

"Well who knows. You are the weird cap guy and remember what she said last time? She doesn't like weird people." Jimin said.

"But how can she divorce me? I mean we are going to have a baby together and-"

"Now I know that but I feel like it's going to be a big blow for her. Not just her actually for everyone." Jimin said.

Pausing for a while, Jimin asked, "Aren't you suppose to give a speech during the reunion?"

Jungkook sighed and said, "I have already said yes to that."

Jimin laughed and said, "This is really going to be fun."

"You are not helping Jimin." Jungkook said.

"Okay Okay so do you have a plan?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Yes I do have a plan."

"What?" Jimin asked.

After explaining his entire plan to Jimin, Jungkook asked, "So?"

Jimin chuckled and said, "That sounds perfect."

"Really?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin nodded his head and said, "Yes but you have to make sure that everything works out well."

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Yes I am already on it."

"Okay Okay. Don't forget we have an early flight tomorrow. Now I am going to sleep bye." Jimin said before hanging up the call.

After hanging up the call, Jungkook took a deep breath before walking towards the bed.


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