541.Birthday Banquet I

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Inside a hotel room.

Brushing Jeonsan's hair, Jungkook smiled and said, "Hey you go champ."

Turning towards Yuqi, Jungkook helped her neatly clip her hair and said, "Ahhh you look so beautiful."

Just then Jin entered the room along with Jiyun.

Passing Jiyun to Jungkook, Jin said, "Take care of her."

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked.

"It's an emergency friend, try and understand." Jin said before passing Jiyun's clothes to Jungkook and rushing out of the room.

Jungkook helplessly shook his head and took Jiyun inside.

Placing her in the bed, Jungkook helped Jiyun's change into her birthday clothes saying, "Your dad is so bad, he left you here and is enjoying right now but it's fine you can stay here with Jeonsan, Yuqi and your uncle Jungkook and have fun here."

He then neatly combed Jiyun's hair and said, "Here you are, our Jiyun is ready."

Taking out her cute shoes, Jungkook asked, "Will you become my daughter-in-law after you grow up?"

"Jungkook you are not allowed to say such things in front of the kids" Lisa said before walking out of the other room.

She wearing a dark grey colour evening deep V-neck gown which had netted three-quarter sleeves. Her hair was tied into a neat bun flaunting her smooth neck and perfect collar bones.

"I am just asking her." Jungkook said.

Lisa rolled her eyes and said, "Help me with the zipper."

When Jungkook grinned and nodded his head, Lisa pointed towards him and said, "Only Zipper and nothing else. We are already late Jungkook."

"A quickie before we leave won't harm." Jungkook said.

"With three small kids in the room? A big No." Lisa said.

"They won't even know." Jungkook said.

"Not now." Lisa said.

With a very gloomy expression, Jungkook helped her zip the dress and said, "You bully me too much these days."

After wearing the sunflower pendant and earrings which Jungkook had gifted her, Lisa said, "Come let's leave, guests have already arrived." Before carrying Yuqi in her arms.

Holding Jiyun and Jeonsan's hand, Jungkook walked out of the room.


Banquet hall.

The atmosphere was very lively, people were happily drinking and talking amongst themselves.

It was very rare for the Jeon family to hold any kind of function but when they did, everyone tried very hard to curry favour from them and todays banquet was very important because not only the Jeons but also the Gus, Parks, Kims and Ohs would be present.

The Kim and Oh enterprise had flourished alot and had made their way to the top where no one would want to touch or provoke them. And to top that up, the collaborations between all the three companies made everyone fear them.

Some people who wanted to try their luck in the medicinal field and Showbizz were here to curry favour from the Jin, who had taken over his mother's place a few months ago and Taehyung.

They had also brought expensive gifts for the little ones who were the star of the banquet. Everyone was aware of how much the families doted on the little ones. So they wanted to try their best to impress and make the little ones happy.


When Jungkook and Lisa entered the hall along with Yuqi, Jeonsan and Jiyun everyone gasped at how lovely and cute the little ones were.

Jeonsan was wearing a grey small check print quarter pants and a white shirt along with a half sleeves tux and a cute little red bow that was making him look super cute and adorable.

Jiyun was wearing a vintage baby pink colour netted frock which had a bow in the middle. She was wearing a very beautiful pair of shoes and had her hair neatly combed and clipped.

Yuqi was wearing a blood red colour frock which had two layers of netted frills and a bow in the left hand side. She was wearing a beautiful pair of black shoes and her hair was neatly combed and clipped.

The people kept on gasping and some squeals were also heard when they saw the little ones.

"AHH that boy is definitely little Jeon." a woman said.

"Yes but which of the two adorable girls is Gu Jiyun?" Another woman asked.

"It's the one wearing that baby pink frock." the woman said.

"The who is the other one?"

The woman shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"Hmm but I think she is someone very important. Look how Mr and Mrs Jeon is so caring towards her." The woman said pointing towards Singtan who had just taken Yuqi from Lisa's hand and was pinching her cheeks.

Looking around Lisa sighed and said, "You invited so many people and it's so crowded now. What if the kids are not comfortable with that?"

"They need to get used to all of this Lisa otherwise they will have a hard time later." Jungkook said letting go the little ones hand.

"Big boss." Yoongi said who had just arrived along with Wendy.

Jeonsan and Jiyun excitedly clapped their hands and rushed towards Yoongi.

Yoongi quickly approached them fearing that they would fall down and hurt themselves.

He then squatted down and hugged the little ones and said, "Happy birthday my cuties."

Hugging Yoongi's neck, Jeonsan and Jiyun let out a chuckle. Yoongi used to visit and accompany the little ones quite often along with Namjoon. He used to help everyone take care of them when their parents had important things to do. So the little ones were very comfortable and shared a special kind of bond with him.

When Wendy saw Yoongi gently caressing and handling the kids, she smiled. If they ever had a baby together, Yoongi would definitely turn out to become a very caring and loving father. The thought about having a baby with Yoongi made her smile and she started looking forward to the day when they would have one. Though she knew that they still had a long way to go and having a child now wasn't a really nice idea, she couldn't help but think about how things would change after they had one.


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