412.I want to use all your sources

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'Miscarriage' 'Three weeks' 'Injuries' were the only things that Hyunjin heard.

After the doctor left, Hyunjin stood their daze. He could feel his legs turning weak.

When Carl saw Hyunjin stumbling, he quickly rushed towards him and said, "Boss you have to control yourself. The lady boss needs you."

When he heard Yeji's name, Hyunjin's heart ached. What would he tell her that they lost their baby because he could not protect her from his enemy? That they lost their first child together because of his had taken things too lightly?

Understanding what Hyunjin was thinking, Carl shook his head and said, "Sir it's not your fault so please stop blaming yourself. Lady boss needs you right now."

After 45 minutes Yeji was pushed out of the operation theatre.

When Hyunjin saw her, he quickly rushed towards her and held her hand.

"Don't worry. I am here with you." Hyunjin said.

Tightening her grip around his hand, Yeji slowly closed her eyes.

When Hyunjin saw tears pouring out of her eyes, he lowered his head and quietly followed her towards the room.


Inside the room.

After everyone left the room, Hyunjin sat beside her and said, "It's fine we-"

Clutching onto his shirt, Yeji buried her face on his chest before bursting into tears.

"I am sorry. I did not know that I was- I am very sorry. I couldn't keep our baby safe. I am sorry."

Wrapping his arms around her, Hyunjin let out a low chuckle and said, "Silly you are alright and that is all that matters to me."

Yeji shook her head and said, "I am sorry. Our baby- that was our first baby together and I couldn't- I didn't even know about it's presence."

Hyunjin closed his eyes to control his emotions. He couldn't break down in front of her. Who would handle her if not him? He understood how she was feeling right now because he was feeling the same. Though he had never ever thought about having a baby with her anytime soon but suddenly losing one, shattered his heart into tiny pieces.

Wiping off his tears, Hyunjin quickly composed himself and said, "Didn't you hear what the doctor said? She said that we both are very young now and can always have a baby in the future." Cupping her face, Hyunjin chuckled and said, "And if you like babies so much, I can give you as many as you want in the future."

When Yeji saw his red eyes, she couldn't stop herself from breaking down again.

Wiping her tears away, Hyunjin kissed her forehead and said, "Hey hey stop. Stop crying. I don't like seeing you like this and this hospital is going to drown if you keep shedding your precious tears like this."

Just then Jungkook and the rest entered the room.

"Princess." Jimin said before giving Yeji a very sweet smile.

When Yeji saw her brother, she couldn't stop herself from bursting into tears again.

Stepping aside, Hyunjin decided to give some room to the brother and sister pair.

Patting Hyunjin's shoulder, Jungkook said, "We met the doctor outside. It's fine."

Hyunjin took a deep breath and nodded his head.

When Felix entered the room, Hyunjin asked ,"Where is he?"

Felix shook his head and said, "We lost him."

Hyunjin's eyes turned cold. He was about to leave the room along with Felix when Father Kim caught his arm and said, "Explain."

Hyunjin closed his eyes and said, "Dad please don't talk to me right now. I am really not in a stable state of mind right now."

Father Kim frowned and said, "You-what is going on? You have to tell me. Who were the people who took Yeji with them? And-"

"Father let it be for now. Hyunjin will tell you everything later." Jungkook said.


Ignoring his father's rants, Hyunjin rushed outside along with Felix.


Patting Yeji's back, Jimin sighed and said, "It's fine you don't have to sad over it."

Burying her head on Jimin's chest, Yeji sobbed and said, "Hyunjin is sad. I can see it in his eyes. He is sad because of me."

Jimin shook his head and said, "Hyunjin would never blame you this."

"But he is sad." Yeji said.

"He is sad because you are sad." Jimin said.

Just then Jin entered the room and said, "Everything is ready. We are ready to shift."

Everyone mutually decided to shift Yeji to Jin's hospital for safety and other purposes.

"The Ambulance is waiting outside." Jungkook said.

"Yuna you accompany Yeji to the hospital. Everyone is already waiting there for her arrival." Jungkook said.

Yuna nodded her head.

Soon Yeji was pushed out of the room in the stretcher.



"Where is Hyunjin?" Yeji asked.

"I'll call him." Jin said.

Soon Hyunjin arrived along with Felix.

Caressing Yeji's cheeks, Hyunjin said, "Go there and take some rest okay and don't cry anymore."

Grabbing his hand, Yeji asked, "You are not coming with me?"

Kissing her forehead, Hyunjin said, "I'll be there after sometime."

Turning towards Yuna, Hyunjin said, "Take care of her." Before turning around.

Yeji's eyes welled up again when she saw his indifferent behaviour.

Jungkook patted her head and said, "Don't overthink and go and take rest over there. Lisa, Rosé, Grandma Jeon and Jisoo, everyone is waiting for you there."

Yeji nodded her head left.


After Yeji left, there was a very awkward silence between the men.

Tapping his fingers on the cold wall, Hyunjin kept on staring at the ceiling.

Turning towards Jungkook, Hyunjin said, "I want to use all your sources."

It wasn't a request or a plead, it was a command or an order.

This overbearing attitude is Hyunjin was too much for anyone to handle. They weren't used to seeing Hyunjin like this.

The boy who used to almost pee his pants thinking about how is father would react if he would discover his real identity was now opening showing his real self right in front of his father's face. The boy who never raised his voice in front of his elders had been shouting anyone who would try question him or talk to him.

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