Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Second Task

    In the end, the two agreed that at noon the next day, Zhou Yunzhen would go out to explore the road first, and then come back with Lin Molu after getting the car. If the situation is not good, he can also go back the same way, and the two of them will make other plans.

    At the moment, this is the safest solution.

    "Is it really okay?"

    At noon, when the outside light is the strongest and the zombie activity is at its lowest, this is the best time to investigate. When he was really about to leave, Zhou Yunchen became the one who was anxious.

    Lin Molu's face has been pale since last night, and her hands and feet are cold. Everyone can see that she is trying to be brave. At noon, the temperature in the basement was almost 35 degrees, and she was sweating even sitting still, but she was still shaking. Zhou Yunchen didn't expect the problem to be so serious. Lin Molu was really scared, not ordinary. She doesn't even look like she's afraid of zombies, but of something else.

    "I'm fine!" Lin Molu put on an ugly smile, "I'll just stay here and wait for you, you must close the door."

    Otherwise, the zombie class outside will have a welcome party.

    Looking at Lin Molu's appearance, Zhou Yun was really worried. He noticed that since just now, Lin Molu has never been two meters away from the emergency light, which is the only light source here. Looking at the especially thin figure under the light source, Zhou Yunchen fell into deep thought.

    Lin Molu panicked when she thought that she would have to face the darkness alone, fearing that she would beg him not to leave in the next second, she gritted her teeth and urged, "Hurry up, the time at noon is very short, if you miss it, you will have to wait until tomorrow... ..."

    Suddenly, a strange, soft light appeared in his eyes. Living in the dark for so long, a little light is a luxury for her, Lin Molu was stunned.

    "Hold this."

    Zhou Yunxi grabbed her hand and put something on it. There was no warmth or touch, bright and soft—a ball of "light".

    Zhou Yunchen remembered one more thing, and with an "oh", in the posture of Lin Molu holding his hands, he pulled two long ears for "Light Ball", and "Light Ball" was as soft as dough in his hands Be well-behaved, and it will become a "rabbit" jumping with the halo in two clicks.

    Different from last time, this time he didn't use electric current, but simply extracted light, even if he hugged it, he wouldn't get hurt.

    "This way it won't be so dark. I'll be back before it goes out, don't be afraid." Zhou Yunchen pressed the girl's head with tenderness.

    "... Oh."

    Lin Molu didn't say anything, and went back to the corner with "Rabbit" in her arms, her forehead hair hanging down to cover her eyes, and her expression couldn't be seen. The girl still maintains the posture of embracing her knees, wrapping herself in a corner, like a baby seeking protection in its mother's womb, but the shaking of her body doesn't seem to be so severe.

    Zhou Yunchen breathed a sigh of relief, he guessed right, she wasn't afraid of zombies, she was afraid of being alone in the dark. As for the reason... Everyone will have some stories that they don't want to face. If she doesn't want to tell, then there must be reasons why she doesn't want to tell. There is no need to explore.

    It wasn't until Zhou Yunchen left that Lin Molu raised her head slightly, and fiddled with the rabbit's ears with one hand.

    There was the sound of the door opening, and then it closed heavily, blocking out the howling of the zombies. Zhou Yunchen would use electromagnetic power to seal the gate, and specifically told Lin Molu not to approach it. At this moment, she was the only one left in the huge underground warehouse, but with the "ball of light", this corner was extremely bright.

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