Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

    The next morning, Tu Yan was sitting in the car with a Band-Aid on his nose, his image was ridiculous, and he spoke with a nasal voice.

    Fatty Yuan also arrived at the meeting point. He looked at Tu Yan and felt that this guy was a bit self-inflicted.

    Tu Yan's brother is usually a bit machismo, and his wife just can't stand it. Later, when the economic conditions improved, his girlfriends encouraged him again, and his wife divorced him. He believed that his wife had other dogs outside, and from then on, when he saw a beautiful woman, he believed that she was a messy woman, especially a beautiful woman who hated meddling.

    Lin Molu took both of these points, so he looked down on her from the beginning.

    When they were on a mission before, they met Huo Wenjie and his team. Seeing that Zhou Yunzhen was not there, they made fun of Lin Molu's matter, and the words were not clean. Of course, they beat them into submission in the end. , But no one would seek death to tell the person involved.

    But Tu Yan has always been angry. Since the end of the world, Fang Zhou has always been the strongest, and he is very glad that he followed the right person, but now, he feels that Fang Zhou's face has been tarnished by this dirty woman.     Later, he was harassed by the Red Dragon because of the farm that Lin Molu was in charge of, and Zhou Yunchen punished him for dereliction of duty. Tu Yan has no other hobbies on weekdays, just smoking a small cigarette and drinking a little wine, such a buck, all gone, three months is enough for him to quit smoking.     As time went by, Lin Mo's outcropping was all due to his full stomach.     He decided that Lin Molu's beauty was a disaster, and that after harming the red dragon, he came to harm the ark.     Fatty Yuan persuaded: "Okay, come back and apologize to the fairy, the boss will not blame you."     "Dream." Tu Yan sneered, "He has never owed a woman in his life."     "Oh, Then your mother is really pitiful." Yuan Fatty snorted coldly.     No wonder your wife doesn't want you either. Yuan Pang didn't feel ashamed to stab the knife directly, but seeing this brother was so stubborn, he felt a little bit contemptuous of him. It's the end of the world, and I still look down on this and that, I'm afraid I haven't been beaten by a powerful female supernatural being.

    "Get in the car."


    "Why, you still want to disobey?"

    "There is someone in the car!" Tu Yan said angrily.

    As soon as I was about to go on a mission in the morning, I saw the person who beat his nose yesterday laughing in the car, and no one would be happy if he changed it.

    Yuan Fat'er was taken aback, and looked at the front car, and saw Lin Molu nestled in it, bored, his eyes didn't light up until he saw her "ming" approaching.

    Seeing Lin Molu in the car, Zhou Yun looked a little unhappy. Yesterday he and Lin Molu originally walked together. Lin Molu said that the notebook was left behind and he wanted to go back to pick it up, but he heard what Tu Yan said. He also heard it at the door, and was about to deal with it himself, but Lin Molu rushed out in the blink of an eye, and when he saw Tu Yan's face was covered with blood... Lin Molu didn't give him a chance to intervene.

    What Zhou Yunzhen thought at the time was: finally, the agile crystal nucleus these days was not given to her in vain, and she has a good grasp of it.

    But it's okay for Lin Molu to be angry with Tu Yan, but she didn't talk to him all night.

    Zhou Yunchen felt very wronged, he didn't know about this matter, if he knew, he would have dealt with it earlier. But Lin Molu closed the door and ignored him, and there was nothing he could do.

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