Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

    Facing Zhou Yunchang's question, Lin Molu did not hesitate.

    "I have thought about everything you said." Lin Molu said solemnly, "So I will make it clear to them from the beginning. If you are willing to take a gamble, you will participate, and if you are unwilling, you will maintain the status quo. This matter was initiated by me personally, and You, have nothing to do with Ark. If it fails... I can’t bear the responsibility if I fail, so if you object, I won’t complain.”

    She herself relies on Zhou Yunzheng to support her, so what burden does she have? other people? So if Zhou Yunchen objects, then she has no position to insist on, no matter how regretful she is, she can only give up.

    If these women are trained, their current supplies must be insufficient, and they will not be able to eat enough. How can they have the strength to strengthen their physical fitness? It is impossible for Ark to allocate materials to those who have not contributed. These difficulties can only be overcome by themselves.

    And Lin Molu may have to bear the blank stare, because her own supplies are sufficient, and others will say that she does not hurt her back while standing and talking.

    But in fact, these are not hers, but Zhou Yunchen's. In Fangzhou, no matter whether she is willing or not, it must be Zhou Yunchen who pays for her actions in the end.

    So she really asked for opinions with a negotiating attitude. She really wanted to contribute, but she also knew that she was not the one who controlled all of this.

    Zhou Yunzhen listened very seriously at first, but then his expression became more and more serious.

    Lin Mo's heart turned cold when he revealed it.

    It's over, the boss is not happy.

    Sure enough, Zhou Yunchen said: "Since you know that if this matter fails, I will be the one who pays the bill, how can you say 'it has nothing to do with me'?"

    Since we met, Zhou Yunchen has always been gentle to her, never Never had a dark face. Lin Mo poked his head down like a child who has made a mistake. She almost forgot that the gentle and harmless man in front of her was even more powerful than the male lead, and after being turned into a corpse, he was the biggest boss in the book. She was actually discussing with the boss how to make him suffer, and she was living too comfortably.


    Zhou Yun looked at the cowardly face of someone who wanted to hide himself in the crack of the sofa, and his teeth itch in his heart. I also know that I am afraid, didn't I brazenly say just now that it has nothing to do with him? And what was she afraid of? Didn't he just stare at her twice? What did he do to her?

    Yesterday she kept saying that he was her fate, but today she will make a clear distinction and have nothing to do with him!

    Oh, woman.

    Boss Zhou sullenly said, "Tell me, what's wrong?"

    "I shouldn't meddle in other people's business." Lin Molu pointed her index fingers with a remorseful face.

    "Aren't those women from Ark? You help them figure out a way out, find a way, isn't it my Ark's business, why did it become a nostalgic matter?"

    Well, the logic is also correct...Huh? Lin Molu raised her eyes, doubts flickered in her bright eyes.

    What exactly does BOSS mean?

    " agree?" Lin Molu realized later.

    There was deep helplessness in Zhou Yunchang's eyes. Although his expression was still serious, he didn't seem so angry. So she boldly teased, "Brother Chen...a male god?"

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