Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

    When Gao De really left the base, Lin Molu's heart sank again.

    The ark was still calm on the surface, but the dark tide was surging inside. Gothe's trip has finally affected the base, and a new wind direction is sweeping the periphery. Although only Lin Molu and Wang Guochun really know the reason, many people have already had their own guesses—the joint forces of the second pollution source seem to have encountered a problem. Here comes the trouble.

    Because the second blizzard is approaching, all the missions of the Ark are suspended, and the old and new team members stay inside the base. The prevention work before the disaster was in full swing. With the previous experience, this time it was stable and orderly, and there was not much pressure. Like Gao De, Lin Molu also walked around the base with people from house to house. Many people in the periphery were shocked when they saw Lin Molu appear. The funniest thing is that some boys in the team are usually clean and tidy in front of Lin Molu, but as soon as they push away the smell of the dormitory... They didn't expect Lin Molu to come to visit in person, and they didn't even have time to clean up, so they were so embarrassed .

    Lin Molu smiled, waved her hand indifferently, and left with only a few safety questions.

    There are also those who are uncooperative and feel that Lin Molu is easy to bully. This kind of general lesson on the spot will never show mercy.

    Now Lin Molu is very popular among the new and old team members, so no one is willing to offend her even if she has some authority in the upper echelon. What's more, Gao De is not around these days, Lin Molu has not made any major mistakes, and treats the old players with respect. Everyone accepted the acting captain Lin very well.

    Although outsiders seem to be able to do things with ease, Lin Molu knows the pressure. She hasn't slept well for two days, and she has countless things in her heart, for fear that she will reveal something. Of course Zhou Yunchen was most worried.     Today is the third day, and there is light snow falling between the sky and the earth early in the morning. According to Wang Guochun's prediction, the wind will rise in the evening, and the wind will reach its peak at night, and after the blizzard, more serious frost damage than last time will sweep across the ark. The situation at the second pollution source will be even more serious, but there is still no good news. She didn't dare to think too much, and she didn't dare to show the slightest worry, so she could only numb herself with being busy.

    In just a month or so, the sun and heat seem to be a thing of the past, and the permafrost is expanding. Not only the lake near Yuedao was completely frozen, but the river was also said to have frozen.

    This really exceeded everyone's expectations. Even Wang Guochun thought that the second source of pollution would be destroyed before the second snowstorm at the latest.

    When it was getting dark, someone came to inform Lin Molu that the drop in temperature was greater than expected, and that an ice flow had formed on a certain section of electric wire on the mountain, which might crush this section of electric wire at any time. When Lin Molu heard about it, she immediately went out fully armed.

    At this time, the wind had already picked up, and the snow foam stung her so much that she couldn't open her eyes. In the past at this time, she just hid in the warm room and listened to the wind outside the window. And that's because someone else carried the weight, and now she's carrying the weight.     When she arrived at the accident site, she wiped the snow off her hat and looked up at the high wires. There was a section of wires that was frozen by a large ice flow. The wind is threatening, and it seems that it will break the shackles at any time.     She asked: "Who discovered it? Why didn't anyone rush to repair it?"     "The person who was in charge of this area left with Captain Gao." The team reported.     "Isn't it just to clear the ice? No one else will?"     Or did she get it wrong, is this a very delicate operation?     "Yes, but...something went wrong." The team member faltered.     "What's the problem?" Lin Molu was a little annoyed, not at the team members, but at these unfinished business, "Once the power is cut off, everyone in the ark will be in the dark, and no one will know if they are buried in the snow!"     She asked the team member to lead the way, followed by herself, and arrived at the home of the team member in charge of circuit maintenance. The maintenance worker is not from the army. He has already left work and is playing cards with his fellow workers and several family members by lighting the lamps.     The light bulb suspended by a wire in the center of the hut occasionally shakes with the vibration of the table, illuminating a bean of fireworks in the dusk.

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