Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

    In the winter of the second year of the last days, after the first snowfall, the Ark had a special visitor.

    This person appeared at the gate of the ark by himself. Some people in the ark still remembered this person's face. Although it was inappropriate at the time, the first team was dispatched immediately, and at the same time sent someone to notify Zhou Yunchen immediately.

    The winter solstice celebrations belonging to the Ark were not disturbed by this person's arrival. Zhou Yunchen was slightly surprised when he heard this name, and then left the meeting in a low-key manner to go to an unknown appointment.

    The door of the reception room was already guarded by heavy soldiers. Zhou Yunchen walked to the door, and Gao De led people to greet him.

    "Report the situation." Zhou Yunchang stood still.

    "Yes, our people are patrolling outside. This person just walked over from the main road. He didn't resist, and he didn't have any further attack consciousness, so he said he wanted to see you." Gothe thought for a while, and then said, "I've confirmed it, only he A person, I see, the state is not right."

    Zhou Yunchen was not very satisfied with Gao De's description of "not right". Gothe is a very measured person, he rarely uses such vague concepts to describe things. But this also shows that the other party does have a problem.

    When he came to the door, the guard automatically pushed away and let the door out.

    There was only one person in the huge reception room, his back was facing the door, his shoulders were drooping, but the strength of his muscles could still be seen. There was a cup of hot water in front of him, and the hot air was rising, but it didn't bring any warmth to the colors around him.

    Everything looks out of place.

    Zhou Yunchen knew that he was not as relaxed as he looked, nor was he distracted. If someone attacked him at this time, he would fight back immediately without hesitation.

    This is a person who has received professional combat training, and this feeling even makes him a little familiar.

    Hearing the sound of footsteps, the other party turned his head, and his deep and handsome facial features were revealed in front of the person. The shadow of bangs hung over the eye sockets, and his eyes looked a little dark, like a hunter staring at his prey—this is why he was not very popular in Fangzhou before. .

    "Mr. Qu, it's been a long time."

    Qu Mengze, it's not the first time they met, they had met this person when he was still in the ark.

    Even Lin Molu didn't expect that the people wanted by Jiangnan, Jiangbei, and Ark's war would come to Ark by himself. On such a day, he would never come to the celebration.

    "Mr. Qu visited late at night, I don't know why."

    "Aren't you looking for me?" Qu Mengze raised his head and looked at Zhou Yunchen. It was neither provocative nor friendly.

    "I can't find it exactly, but I'm wanted." Zhou Yunchang said, "Mr. Qu tried every means to put me to death. I have to know the reason. Zhou Yunchen dragged his family and was always passively beaten, causing his family to worry."

    "Family?" Qu Mengze sneered, "When I found your mother and told her to help me deal with you and sent her and your brother to the paradise, do you know what she said at that time?

    " .

    "She said, anyway, she has two sons, one is gone and the other is gone. She abandoned you without even hesitation. You call this family? Zhou Yunchen, your family affection is too cheap."

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