Chapter 99

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Chapter 99

    The street quickly became chaotic. People who had been protesting against the Paradise Life Project had now gathered near high-rise office buildings, holding banners and shouting for demonstrations.

    At the same time, Luo Yubo, Pei Gang, and Jiang Yuran took advantage of the mobilization of all the Qin faction, and led the Luo faction's troops to seize the strictly guarded paradise exit. According to Pei Gang's calculations, the corresponding ground coordinates here should be the hinterland of Jiangbei, in the northwest of the first pollution source, about three days' drive from the Zhanhuo headquarters.

    At this time, Zhan Tianyu should have been waiting at the door with the Zhanhuo people.

    About half an hour later, Lin Molu and Zhou Yunchen arrived at the agreed place surrounded by the crowd.

    Pei Gang stared blankly at the people behind them: "Fairy, these are..."

    "They all want to go out with us." Lin Molu said, "I told them that they can go back to the ground by walking this way. Wait until On the ground, as long as they have skills in the Promised Land, on the ground, bases such as the Tiantai of the Ark War and Fire Division will also accept them."

    Jiang Yuran subconsciously scanned a few people with his heart sounds, and found that these people had a fanatical yearning for the outside world. What happened at noon even ignited the flame of their hard work. Most of these people are young people with bright minds and enthusiasm. They spontaneously found Luo Pai's place, about three to five hundred people, and asked to go to the ground immediately for investigation. It is impossible for space technology to carry so many people out at the same time, so Lin Molu simply brought them here, because there were so many people and Zhou Yunchang opened the way, the people from the Qin faction on the street couldn't stop them at all.

    Pei Gang didn't expect that she could gather followers in Paradise so quickly, and couldn't help being surprised.

    "Where is the exit?" Zhou Yunchen looked at the surrounding environment.

    "I know." One of the residents of the dungeon said, "I used to work here, it's right in front, but it's been sealed."

    In order to prevent people from entering and leaving the dungeon, the exit was sealed when the construction was completed. Dynamite can't get out. When everyone came to the door, they saw that the passage leading to the ground was sealed airtight, and it was sealed from the inside.

    Lin Molu couldn't help but said, "This is not an underground city. This is the way to build the imperial mausoleum. Seal the mausoleum with molten iron. How about learning from the first emperor? Don't ask if so many people are willing to be buried with them."

    "We don't have explosives." Pei Gang asked Zhou Yunchen, "Can you use supernatural powers to blast them away?"

    "This kind of mechanism needs blasting experts to do fixed-point blasting. If you use supernatural powers to blast, it may cause the dungeon to collapse." After Zhou Yunchen finished speaking, he watched Xiang Lin Molu.

    Lin Molu smiled: "Why, is there a place for me to use my skills?"

    She stood out from the crowd and walked to the iron gate.

    Speaking of which, the safest, environmentally friendly and silent method is indeed hers.

    Lin Molu called the system: "Help, measure the thickness of the door."

    Bangbang: "Dear, after testing, your current supernatural power is powerful enough to exceed the thickness of the obstacles in the passageway."

    Lin Molu: "That's it."

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