Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 Yingying and Mingming

    Help Elf: "Wound healing - a supernatural power that promotes the self-healing of wounds, but it is only limited to traumatic injuries, and it is a very rare supernatural power."

    Lin Molu: "I understand the truth, but tell me what the principle is! Is there such energy in the human body?"

    Wasn't the book originally set to follow the route of hardcore survival in the last days? Awakening a Hercules was enough before, followed by clairvoyance and ears. When Lin Molu thought that the plot was going all the way to "Ten Brothers", you suddenly gave me a priest healing technique. Will there be crystals and magic in a while? Big teleportation array?

    Most importantly, compared with these abilities, my "space cutting" is so mediocre...

    Lin Molu: Today I also feel that my cheating is fake. JPG.

    Help Elf: "Actually, the author wrote the setting When I was addicted to tower defense games, I was playing PC League and mobile phone Glory, so I have some references for skill settings..."

    Lin Molu: "Then I will push three towers in the future, and then go to the high ground? Just tell me Crystal Where is it? I’ll go and steal it, and it’s all over!”

    Anyway, “Master” has already stolen it, and now she needs economy and soldiers, and the hero and heroine are still developing in the wild, so she has nothing to fear!

    If it was said that Lin Molu had awakened three rare supernatural beings here before, others could accept it, but when the fourth one appeared, even Wang Guochun looked at Lin Molu in the wrong way. He suspects that Lin Molu probably possesses the ability to "make it easier for humans within the radius to awaken"... the ability.

    Lin Molu felt very aggrieved, from being excited at the beginning to getting used to it, and finally doubting life: why they are all awakened, but I still can't upgrade?

    During this period of time, Lin Molu hardly looked at the missions very much, and stared at her level and experience limit every day, but the thing seemed dead, motionless. Ganqing is still an assistant, lighting up others and burning herself.

    And soon she discovered that rare supernatural beings like Li Zhuang and Xiao Shan had begun to be assigned to recruit training camps, ready to join the search team, bloody late strikers.

    She went to Zhou Yunzhen to reason, and Zhou Yunzhen asked her a word.

    "How much did you run in the 100 meters?"

    Lin Xiannv: I feel bad. JPG. In

    the end, Lin Molu finally walked through the "back door" with her unremitting efforts, arduous training, unyielding perseverance, and smooth connections.

    She participated in the project assessment with the recruits, and ran 15.44 in the 100 meters. This result is strictly speaking unacceptable, but the person who checked the watch was Yuan Fat.

    She communicated unimpededly with this veteran, rounded the second decimal place of "15.44", and then rounded the first decimal place. After a fierce operation, she came up with an abstract 15 seconds score.

    Yuan Fat'er dared to play tricks under Zhou Yunchen's nose. On the surface, he gave Lin Molu a pass, but behind his back he wrote a score of 15.45 "before evolution" on Zhou Yunchen's form. This not only coaxed the fairy, but also did not offend the male god, and the two-faced style was at its peak.

    Fatty Yuan asked: "Yingying, why do you want to join the team so much? You haven't seen anything outside, what's so interesting?"

    "I'm not going to play."

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