Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    They were lucky. They passed B1 all the way and only saw three or five scattered zombies. Zhou Yunchen rolled the window of the car with a few thunderballs and solved it. They were all low-level and had no crystal nucleus in their brains. Go straight to the exit.

    Lin Molu was shocked by Zhou Yunzhen's strength. She had always guessed that Zhou Yunzhen should be very powerful, but she never thought that he would be so strong that he was so inaccessible. She thought he was afraid? Are zombies more scary? She saw with her own eyes that Zhou Yun blasted the heads of the zombies seven or eight meters away without blinking. The picture was too "beautiful" and she couldn't bear to look directly at it.

    The car drove smoothly all the way to the outskirts of the city. During the period, two cars were included in the square. There were about seven or eight people in total. They were dressed in the same uniform as Yuan Fat'er and Gao De, camouflage and helmets, and they all carried guns. They were very disciplined in advancing and retreating . When they assembled, they didn't even get out of the car. Fatty Yuan made a gesture from a distance, and the two cars turned around and followed them neatly.

    This is by no means a mob.

    "Are you government troops?" Lin Molu finally couldn't help being curious and asked Zhou Yunchen.

    Fatty Yuan smiled. Dare to feel that their boss was cheated by the girl without saying anything, okay, it's really a real person.

    "No, a group of scattered people, just looking for a living in the last days." Zhou Yunchen said.

    San people? Don't bully her, she hasn't been to the last days, okay?

    After the catastrophe, there are many groups of supernatural beings, but most of them are disorganized and have frequent personnel turnover. These people in front of them are obviously not in this way. Such a well-organized and disciplined team definitely cannot be trained in a year, and there is no time to train military discipline in the last days.

    "Haha, sister, Boss Zhou didn't lie to you. There is no such thing as a government in this world. How can anyone raise an army? We really don't belong to anyone. Or, we used to be, but now we don't." Fatty Yuan The son was in a happy mood, with the window open, a cigarette in his mouth, and a social face, "Noah, have you heard of it?"

    Lin Mo said heartily, no!

    She is not from this world, and of course she has no common sense of this world. However, after reading most of the book, and after trying hard to recall these days, Lin Molu is not completely unfamiliar with this name. Noah only appears once in the book. Before the end of the world, the author briefly described the background of the world at that time.

    The doomsday catastrophe occurred around 3000 AD. At that time, economic globalization had matured. Countries affected the world from economy to policy, and the status of the United Nations was rising day by day.

    And "Noah" is a world-famous peacekeeping special force under the name of the United Nations. This force is famous all over the world because it only carries out the most difficult and dangerous tasks. They have solved hundreds of terrorist incidents and rescued countless hostages, so they are called The "ark" of the danger zone.

    "Noah" is composed of elites from special forces from all over the world. The personal strength of this force can truly defeat a hundred with one. I heard that once a member of "Noah" took away the lair of an international criminal organization by himself.

    However, because of the confidentiality of the mission, the information of their members is also strictly protected. People only know that there is such a troop. The troop's station, training, and mission execution are all top secrets, and no one knows. After the doomsday catastrophe, the government disappeared without a sound, and even the army disappeared. It is said that it was protecting important people somewhere. Anyway, no matter how powerful the army is, it has to be dispatched by high-level officials. At this time, no one cares about the life and death of civilians.

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