Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 Suffering, True Love?

    Luo Yubo and Guan Xiaoshan left the classroom led by Lin Qianyu. They noticed that the guard at the door had left. But it wasn't Shi Yaozhi who left, Lin Qianyu came right after she left, and she didn't have time to create a situation.

    Since the enemy's road is narrow, let's see what this woman wants to do. If she dares to attack the people in Zhouzhou, she will kill her even if she can't walk by herself.

    Guan Xiaoshan tried her best to tell herself to be calm, but she had heard about the grievances between Shi Yao and Lin Qianyu, so she was very worried that Shi Yao would explode. Luo Yubo beside her also made her feel very uneasy. This person never played his cards according to the routine.

    Although Xiaoshan is not afraid of death, she has a sense of faith and identity with Ark, and she is confident that she will never betray Ark, but she is very afraid of her two "bomb" companions.

    She doesn't know what the people around her will do. As a Virgo who likes to arrange everything securely, this feeling is worse than pointing a gun at her directly.

    Her anxiety and tension were quickly transmitted to the two people around her. Almost at the same time, Luo Yubo patted her left shoulder, and the invisible Shi Yao patted her right shoulder.

    Luo Yubo: "Don't be afraid, you have brother."

    Shi Yao said with action: "Don't be afraid, you are sister."

    Guan Xiaoshan: You two are the ones who are afraid! so tired!

    Lin Qianyu led the team at the front, she seemed to be immersed in her own thoughts. Shi Yao's aura is well concealed, even if the duplicated ability is one level lower, it is an existence that even zombies can't detect, so Shi Yao doesn't panic at all, and Lin Qianyu doesn't know it at all. As for Xiaoshan and Luo Yubo, Lin Qianyu didn't care at all, because the sum of these two people multiplied by three was not her opponent.

    Lin Qianyu's ability has been advancing by leaps and bounds recently, even if he is in a match with Zhan Tianyu, he can fight for half an hour. This is also the place where Zhan Tianyu gave her a high look. Young Zhan is arrogant and arrogant. He doesn't like ordinary dodders, but likes the prickly ones, which satisfy the sense of conquest.

    She brought two healing system users to an infirmary in another building. The door was heavily locked and no one was guarding the door. The guards here have been dismissed by her, and with her current relationship with Zhan Tianyu, no one will suspect her.

    Lin Qianyu unlocked the heavy lock, pushed open the door of the infirmary, and said coldly to the two people behind him, "Go in."

    Luo Yubo walked in front, Xiao Shan followed, and the "invisible" Shi Yao followed closely. After the three of them entered, Shi Yao walked behind the curtain a few steps, took a breath suddenly, and quickly covered her mouth. Lin Qianyu heard the sound and looked over, Xiao Shan coughed quickly.

    Lin Qianyu really thought it was Guan Xiaoshan who spoke.

    "What's wrong with you?"

    "No, it's a little... cold." Guan Xiaoshan hugged his forearm, pretending to be shivering.

    "You're cold, so wear mine." Hearing this, Luo Yubo quickly took off his coat and put it on Guan Xiaoshan.

    Guan Xiaoshan: "..."

    Guan Xiaoshan looked at the hot weather outside the window, endured the urge to hit someone, put on Luo Yubo's fiery coat with body temperature, and looked at this bitter gourd with envy and is it so cool? The romantic plot, this person is so incompetent in doing it.

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