Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

    After Lin Molu came to the end of the world, he saved many people.

    She saved Zhou Yunchen because of the situation, and she has no regrets; she saved Song Yuqiao to win over Si Tiantai's forces, and she has no regrets; she saved Yuan Pang, because Yuan Pang and her are "half brothers and sisters", even if She doesn't regret it if she can't be saved...

    Save that mother, Zhou Yunjing?

    It is not necessary and impossible.

    Not to mention that Ms. Zhou actually helped outsiders make trouble for her son with her elbows, which shows that they are already in the same group. Maybe Zhou Yunjing had a good time in the war.

    "You woman, why are you so vicious! That's his brother! He is responsible!" Ms. Zhou was furious.

    "You also know it's my younger brother. Your own son doesn't raise himself. He has a fart responsibility? Brother Chen has given money to the family in recent years, right? Isn't it all your mother and son who sucked from before the end of the world to after the end of the world? blood?"

    "Auntie, as an outsider, I seriously feel that he doesn't owe you anything. People's hearts are made of flesh. If you don't care about this blood relationship at all, just keep doing it."

    Lin Molu didn't understand, so In a troubled world, is there a better place than the Ark?

    Ms. Zhou guards such a treasured son as Zhou Yunzhen, why can't she think about it, and she wants to collude with the enemy inside and outside to cheat her son. What kind of benefits did the other party promise her?     "No, don't talk nonsense. It's not Zhanhuo! I have nothing to do with

    Zhanhuo." Ms. Zhou began to deny again, "Yun Jing got separated from us, and I don't know where he is."

He also spoke incoherently, sometimes saying yes and sometimes saying no, obviously there is a ghost.

    Ms. Zhou couldn't say no to Lin Molu, so she started to make nonsense, saying how hard it was to take care of her two children, how filial Zhou Yunzhen was before, how young Zhou Yunjing needed to be taken care of, etc... Seeing that Lin Molu couldn't get any useful news, she didn't know what to do. Say no more.

    She asked Li Zhuang to personally escort the person back, and told the medical team to concentrate on their work and not be affected. In the end, she solemnly warned everyone present that whoever dares to mention the rumors of "zombie virus" will not be as simple as a fine, and will be dealt with by "military law".

    When Ms. Zhou was sent away, Lin Molu saw Guo Wanwan still standing there, staring into the distance with dazed eyes, not knowing what she was waiting for.

    The team member who was in charge of watching the Zhou family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law also followed, looking embarrassed, neither moving nor not moving.

    Ms. Zhou was sent back, but if this one didn't leave, he couldn't do anything.

    "Sister Lu, look..."

    "She can stand if she likes." Lin Molu took a look, not wanting to worry about these things, she was a little worried about Pei Gang.

    As soon as Lin Molu turned around, Guo Wanwan called out softly, "Brother Yunchen!"

    Lin Molu turned her head, and sure enough, she saw Zhou Yunchen and Gao De coming towards her. They came by car, the window was half open, and before Lin Molu could see clearly, Guo Wanwan rushed over, scaring Gao De to the brakes, and he missed two beats of breathing.

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