Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

    Lin Molu was shocked by Ms. Zhou's coquettish manipulation.

    She thought about it, and instead of going directly to Ms. Zhou, she sent someone to Honglong to ask Guo Wanwan a few words, and the person who came back passed Guo Wanwan's dictation to her. Only then did she know about the entanglement between Zhou's mother-in-law and Qi Fan.

    It turned out that what Qi Fan fell in love with was not Ms. Zhou who was about the same age, but the young daughter-in-law of the Zhou family. It's a pity that Guo Wanwan is a serious face control, even if you have money and status, you can't be too old or too ugly. After all, even the good-for-nothing Brother Zhou Zhou has an appearance of more than 80%... This kind of stubborn persistence unexpectedly makes her live well now.     Guo Wanwan is now a month old, and she will give birth soon, but she still seems to have lingering fears about Ms. Zhou. Knowing that Lin Molu sent someone, she thought she was going to take her back, and she was so scared that she said everything.     It can be seen how deeply this girl has a deep shadow on Ms. Zhou's high-handed rule.     And as long as the mess about the Zhou family was mentioned, Lin Molu couldn't help but feel worried for Zhou Yunchen. She didn't intend to give Ms. Zhou a chance to make a fuss, so she directly ordered that Ms. Zhou's daily time to relax was also spared.     Anyway, it's freezing cold outside, you should rest in the old house.     When Qi Fan heard that Guo Wanwan was not in the ark, he immediately put his mind to it and never went to the place where Ms. Zhou walked for a "morning jog".     In a flash, Zhou Yunchen has been walking for a week. Compared with when he left, the weather has become sharply colder. This kind of sudden drop in temperature makes most civilians reluctant to go out. desolate.     During this week, Red Dragon has sent people to send messages every day. The battle report shows that they have basically determined the exact location of the meteorite and are now trying to find a way to approach it. Because the gravitational force of the meteorite is too strong, a group of people may not be able to enter. Of course, Zhou Yunzhen and Qu Mengze's team must enter.     Along with the battle report came a letter from Zhou Yunchen. There are not many words, so it can be seen that he wrote it in a hurry, but Lin Molu didn't want to know what he was doing in detail, as long as she received words such as "very good" and "safe", she would feel at ease.

    Now Zhou Yunchen's words and phrases with warmth are all put away by her and put together with the bracelet, hidden in the small bag on her chest, close to her heart, becoming the only warmth in the freezing cold.

    Lin Molu wrapped herself into a ball, and walked in the snow like a meat bun, one step at a time - because there were fewer people walking, even the main road was covered with snow, and they didn't have extra manpower to clean it up now.

    This snow usually falls at night, stops in the morning, and is cleaned up. The next day, it is all over the ground again. It can't be cleaned at all, so I can only sweep the snow in front of the door.

    Pushing open the door of the logistics department, I felt a rush of heat. It's not how high the heat is turned up here, it's because it's too cold outside. Lin Molu took off her gloves, rubbed her stiff hands, slipped her feet and came to the door of the office. Before entering the door, she heard the voice of someone inside.

    She was a little surprised, but the hand that pushed the door did not stop: "What day is there so many people?"

    Guan Chunlin has been sitting at the desk for ten years, and the two large tables in front of him and behind him are full of forms. On the sofa opposite him sat Wang Baye and Hou Minglei. Baye was a bit older after all, and the roads were difficult. He seldom went out in this kind of weather. Fortunately, Hou Minglei was by his side, so it wouldn't be worrying.

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