Chapter 52

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Chapter 52


    Is it so explosive?

    Isn't it Zhou Yunchen's childhood sweetheart? How did they become "brothers and sisters"!

    After a while, the amount of information will be a bit large, and Lin Molu will be shocked all of a sudden, and his mind will be a little overwhelmed.

    At this moment, Ms. Zhou also saw the little girl Zhou Yunzheng had been holding hands with, and looked at Lin Molu indiscriminately. She didn't speak, but she didn't show any other emotions.

    Zhou Yunyi ignored the "sibling" and introduced: "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Lin Molu."

    Ms. Zhou didn't seem too surprised, she should have heard about it on the road, but it was in the eyes of the "sibling" The somewhat hurt expression showed that he still had expectations for the boss, but at this moment, he was also crushed by Zhou Yuntang himself.

    I have to praise, whether it is the former "fake fiancée" or the current "real girlfriend", Zhou Yunchen has done an impeccable job in not having ambiguous affairs with other women.     Except for the greeting that the other party took the initiative to say at the beginning, Zhou Yunchen never took the initiative to say a word to this "brother and sister". It was just a little embarrassing when I got in the car.     Zhou Yunchen didn't drive himself when he came, but a member of the first team drove the car. The back seat of the off-road vehicle is large enough to accommodate three people. Ms. Zhou got into the back seat without a doubt, and Guo Wanwan followed closely in the middle. Zhou Yunzhen and Lin Molu were left, and whoever was the co-pilot and whoever sat in the back row felt awkward.     Lin Molu certainly couldn't let Zhou Yunyi sit next to Guo Wanwan, Zhou Yunyi was tall and burly, and it was not appropriate to squeeze behind two women, so she bit the bullet and wanted to go up, and gave Zhou Yunyi the co-pilot.     He closed the car door and said to the driver, "Go directly to the island." Ms.     Zhou     was stunned, rolled down the window and asked, "Aren't you going with us?" Said: "Mom, you and your siblings go to the residence first, I have made arrangements. Lulu and I have     something to do." Anything? What's the matter? Why doesn't she know?

    Lin Molu felt like a mirror in her heart, and secretly sighed that the BOSS chicken thief, fooling her mother's nonsense came out of her mouth without drafting.

    After waiting for the car to drive away, Zhou Yunchen dragged Lin Molu into another car, and drove slowly and far behind the convoy. As if the leader made a surprise inspection, the players who were slacking off on the playground jumped up one by one and continued to run.

    "...Why bother?" Lin Molu couldn't laugh or cry, "It's just a car."

    "Not only you are awkward, but I am also awkward." Zhou Yundun said.

    Being in a small space together made him feel uncomfortable, and he would think of the last time How did Ms. Zhou protect his second brother who was frightened and crying, and abandoned him in the crowd of zombies who had been poisoned by the corpse.

    His heart is also made of flesh, not invincible.

    Now his feelings for Ms. Zhou are only related to blood. If he didn't distrust Song Yin, he might not ask anyone to pick her up. If Ms. Zhou behaved honestly from now on, they would be able to get along, but judging by the people she brought today, it doesn't look like they want to get along well.

    "If you want to ask, just ask." Zhou Yundi saw through Lin Molu's thoughts.

    Lin Molu thought for a while, and said: "I didn't ask because I was generous, but because I was upset when I heard it. However, no one told me before that this bowl became your younger brother and sister later, no wonder you didn't return it for several years Home..."

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