Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 My Little Secret

    Zhou Yunyi was relieved when he heard that, and the light in his eyes moved a little bit: "Really?"

    Lin Wenluo nodded sweetly: "My Yangshou is not for others to use."

    Zhou Yunyi frowned: "Don't mess around. Say, I can’t even give it to me.”

    Her little life must be preserved, and no one can give it to her.

    "Yeah, I can listen to the male god." Lin Molu agreed with a smile.

    There is a lot of love here, but on the other side there are various coughs that destroy the atmosphere. For a while, the outside of the resort hotel seems to be the corridor of the respiratory department of the hospital. Half of the people have a bad cold.

    The only person who didn't have a bad cold was cutting his gaze on the pair of mandarin ducks in the middle like a knife blade. Song Yin suppressed the strange feeling in his heart, and asked in a cold voice: "Miss Lin, Commander Zhou, you've had enough trouble, should you give me an answer?"

    These people gathered here in the middle of the night, their swords were at war, and they must not be eating dog food, right? !

    Lin Molu jumped out of Zhou Yunchen's arms, pointed to the medicine bottle: "Here is the medicine, I finally caught up with it, take it."

    Song Yin saw this bottle of "medicine medicine" that suddenly appeared in Zhou Yunyi's hand just now. ", he said suspiciously: "What's the ingredient? I can't just give my daughter an unknown drug."

    Lin Molu sighed, knowing that a new round of verbal war was about to start again.

    The disadvantage of middle-aged people is that they always have a kind of unknowing arrogance. They feel stubborn when they are older, and naive if they laugh than they. It seems that only they who are the pillars of contemporary society can make wise and powerful judgments.

    This can be compared with Zhou Yunchen.

    When Zhou Yunchen saw her medicine, he believed it without saying a word. Of course, emotional factors were not ruled out, but the medicine appeared out of thin air after all. Such a supernatural thing, the boss immediately accepted it.

    But Song Yin couldn't do it. Obviously from his point of view, the drug appeared to be reasonable, but he still had to get to the bottom of it, as if the drug was poisonous if he didn't ask clearly. In fact, if the drug is really poisonous, what choice does he have? At the beginning, he personally agreed to the deal. If he refused to give Song Yuqiao medicine, Lin Molu would not be held responsible.     "Mr. Song, according to our agreement, I am responsible for providing a solution to heal Ms. Song Yuqiao. The solution now is this bottle of medicine. Drink it and give you a healthy and beautiful daughter. If you don't drink it, I am not responsible. Because when our agreement takes effect , you should have accepted my 'method' by default."     "Can't you ask questions?"     "I can only say that I can't answer your questions. If I can explain the ingredients of this bottle of potion, I won't ask you today." I will discuss the issue of integrity with you here, but I will be the leader of the medical team over there. I can only assure you that this bottle of medicine is very precious, only this one bottle, if you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Of course , you can also give this bottle of medicine to your medical team for analysis and testing, but first, it will take time to analyze the results; Complete or no effect, the consequences are at your own risk."     Lin Molu said everything she could think of in one breath, and the medical team behind Song Yin looked at each other in blank dismay.     Song Yin took the medicine bottle and handed it to Kugualian: "Go, let's analyze it inside."     Lin Molu really didn't want to see Song Yin throw everything away, she wanted to say something, but Song Yin spoke first: "Miss Lin, don't be nervous, I I have my own method to not harm the efficacy of the medicine, but also to analyze the ingredients."     Before Lin Molu could speak, she was blocked back.     What else is there to say?     "...666."     Everyone was waiting for the analysis results in the howling night wind. It was really cold tonight. Lin Mo was in a hurry and was wearing thin clothes. He had already put on Zhou Yunchen's coat at the moment, and he kept pushing into Zhou Yunchen's arms, who was only wearing a vest, trying to absorb the heat from the hot **** of the boss. a little warm.

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