Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

    Sure enough, Zhou Yunchen didn't ask Lin Molu why, but when he heard the word "corpse tide" from Lin Molu's mouth, Zhou Yunchen's expression immediately became serious. Although he didn't say anything more, Lin Molu knew that he had listened to what he said.

    The next morning, Zhou Yunchang impromptu held a small meeting of the Ark. This time, he brought Lin Molu with him.

    Although Lin Molu has been in the Ark for a while, it is the first time to come to this conference room similar to the "Military Aircraft Department". When she followed Zhou Yun into the room, she clearly felt the atmosphere in the room freeze for a moment. Lin Molu coughed dryly after being stared at by everyone.

    She is familiar with more than half of the people here.

    "Yingying, here!" Yuan Fat'er and Hou Minglei were waving to her.

    Lin Molu blinked, and hurried over to take a seat, as if this would allow her to blend into the crowd and not be so conspicuous.

    Zhou Yunchen briefly glanced at the attendance in the room, except when his eyes fell on Lin Molu's body, the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, and his expression was stern. Lin Molu was stunned. It turned out that Zhou Yunchang was so majestic in front of everyone, no wonder the team members were afraid of him like the king of Hades.

    "Sister Lulu, Brother Zhou is in a good mood today." Hou Minglei stabbed Lin Molu's arm with the pen.

    Lin Molu: Heck, which eye of yours saw it?

    Fatty Yuan was also curious: "Yingying, why did you come to the meeting today?"

    Lin Molu didn't want to reveal that she had provided information, so she said, "Because my elder brother is good-looking, I don't want to take my eyes off him for a second."

    " Oh, I'm X...Look, look hard, I'm bothering you!" The

    dog food is spread like this, is it free of money? Ever considered how many dogs are out there without food?

    Lin Molu's voice was very low, so others couldn't hear it, but she didn't know if it was an illusion, she seemed to see the darker color of the BOSS's ears. And Ba Ye Wang, who was bowing his head, suddenly looked at her, smiling, with a playful look on his face, as if watching the excitement.

    Lin Molu obviously didn't know that all the senior supernatural beings in this room had excellent five senses, including hearing ability.

    Zhou Yuntang knocked on the table and got everyone's attention back.

    "Start with a small team and report to work."

    There are six teams in Ark, and she has seen all six captains. Except for Pei Gang who went out to perform tasks, everyone else is there.

    The captain of the first team is Gao De. Gao De basically stays at the base in the first ten days of each month, and hardly sees anyone in the second ten days of the month;

    the second team, Yuan Fatty, who she knows best and is also the most determined, almost kowtows to be a righteous knot Jin Lan's "good brother", a daily sitcom actor; the third team, Pei Gang, is the same as Gao De, but when Gao De is not at the base, Pei Gang is there every day, and is also in charge of recruit training.     The two scout

    captains of them take turns;

Wang Guochun and deputy teammate Hou Minglei, these two mainly take the scientific research route, and they are popular at any time when they are educated. These two are well-known "superior people", who are exempted from dirty and hard work, and concentrate on researching abilities and internal management.

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