Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 Who are you?

    Zhou Yunchen was not as happy as Lin Molu thought.

    Because Lin Molu was busy with work, she left early and returned late. Sometimes the two of them didn't see each other for a day, so she didn't take it to heart. On the contrary, Yuan Fat'er and the others found that Boss Zhou seems to be quite depressed recently, and probably guessed the reason.

    This morning, Zhou Yunyi was about to get out of the car when he saw Fatty Yuan jump into the driver's seat with a whoosh, so flexible that he didn't look like a fat man.

    What are you doing? Zhou Yunchen scratched him with his eyes.

    Yuan Fatty grinned and said: "Boss, the brothers have all stepped on the idea yesterday, and today I will move something. You don't need to do it yourself, you can stay with the fairy."

    After more than a month, Zhou Yunchang left during the day It was early, and Lin Molu came back late at night, and the couple would soon become Cowherd and Weaver Girl. Living in the same house and not seeing each other every day, what is this for? I want my brothers to feel guilty.     Zhou Yundang thought about it, there was really nothing to do today, and it was true that he hadn't rested for a long time. So he sent the convoy away and strolled to the farm without driving himself. These days, Lin Molu leaves earlier than him and returns late. He told her that there is no need to work so hard. It's not like Fang Zhou can't afford to support those women. Besides, how can it take a day or two to have an effect on inspiring a supernatural power?     Lin Molu smiled and agreed, but she still ran around the Yuedao Farm every day, because the skin on the back of her neck was sunburned because of the ponytail.     Zhou Yunchen went to the warehouse to get the medicine and sunscreen, and sent them to Lin Molu.     What he didn't expect was that when he arrived at the base, he saw Lin Molu leading a group of women and children, surrounded by several unfamiliar supernatural beings, with an angry expression on his face.     Lin Molu was in a very good mood today, because this piece of wasteland has finally taken shape now, and it only needs to be plowed again before it can be planted. In fact, the remaining half of the team hadn't been carefully reviewed. I didn't expect that a team member suddenly awakened the wood-type ability yesterday. And when she awakened, she was close to level two, and she easily used her plant control skills to clean up the weeds in the field.     This news can be said to have inspired the entire team.

    They didn't really believe Lin Molu's words before, until a real example appeared before them, and the look in the eyes of the women suddenly returned, and each of them worked harder than usual.

    Lin Molu originally wanted to tell Zhou Yunchen the good news tonight, but she didn't expect that when she arrived at the farm, she saw Jiang Yuran surrounded by a group of unknown people outside the farm.     "Stinky boy! It's against you. I'm your old lady. How dare you not listen to me?" The woman in the lead put on heavy makeup and pulled Jiang Yuran with great strength, pinching the boy's white and thin arms purple.     "I won't go with you, I told you a long time ago, I won't go! I want to stay in the ark!"     "Bah! Are you stupid? You can't live comfortably, but come here to do farm work and do free labor for others ? You were born to me, I don’t know you? What kind of work do you do?”     “Then I won’t sleep with others either!” Jiang Yuran remembered the last time his mother dressed him up as a girl and sent him away. Also disgusting.     He is a man! male!     Jiang Meijuan raised her hand and gave Jiang Yuran a slap in the face, cursing: "You're a brat, what's wrong with being petted? What's wrong with you? My old lady raised you so much, why don't you want to make you some money?! "     Stop!"     Lin Molu rushed out from the crowd, pushed Jiang Meijuan away, and snatched Jiang Yuran behind her.     She has gained a lot of strength recently due to training, and this bump pushed Jiang Meijuan to the ground. The men behind Jiang Meijuan didn't expect her to be so strong, so they were taken aback for a moment before helping her.     "Sister!" Seeing Lin Molu coming, Jiang Yuran seemed to see redemption, "My mother is going to take me away, she wants me to sleep with a man."     Lin Molu looked at the boy. Jiang Yuran has been tanned these days, her facial features are still exquisite and beautiful, but she has a little more youthful heroism, so that she is not indistinguishable from male and female.     The boy suddenly remembered what Lin Molu had said to him, you have to think clearly about what you want to do.

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