Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Enter V Announcement

    In the past two days, Lin Molu absorbed two more agile spars. In fact, she still had them in her pocket, but Wang Guochun told her that absorbing them too quickly was not good. It was best to wait for the energy of the spars to be completely absorbed by the body before continuing. So Lin Molu postponed the progress.

    She clicked on the interface and confirmed that her level had finally risen to LV.2.

    Help Elf: Congratulations, you have upgraded.

    Lin Molu looked around up and down: "No new skills?"

    Help Elf: New skills only appear with a probability, and the higher the level, the greater the probability.

    Just look at your face?

    Lin Molu clicked on the task system again, and the task of "understanding each other with the boss" was still on the headlines, and the progress was barely halfway through, which meant that it would never be completed.

    Lin Molu can't see anything!

    She felt that Zhou Yunchen didn't hide anything from her on purpose, but there were some things he didn't seem to want to mention, and it was hard for Lin Molu to ask.

    For example, he never asked her how to detoxify the corpse, and he didn't even mention his injury very much himself. There is actually a big doubt here: with Zhou Yunchen's ability to bring out a pure five like Lu Fangning in the tide of corpses, how did he get infected with corpse poison?

    It stands to reason that to be infected with the zombie virus must be attacked by the zombies, and it is possible to be scratched or bitten. But Zhou Yunchen had no obvious external injuries.

    After she fed him the potion, his corpse characteristics quickly receded, only the black corpse spot on the right shoulder blade did not dissipate for a long time, and there was a barely visible small wound on the part where the corpse poison was concentrated, like ... pinholes.

    Lin Molu didn't think of this until later. Once this suspicion arose, Lin Molu's whole body was soaked in coldness.

    The back, the pinhole, all of these imply that it may not be zombies that killed Zhou Yunchong—it's a person, and most likely someone Zhou Yunchong trusts.

    Once again, there will be another, Lin Molu decided that she must keep an eye on her, and she must not let the boss repeat the same mistakes! As for the task...let's leave it alone, anyway, she can't explain her cards to Zhou Yunchen.

    How to put it, tell him that he is from another world, and now we are grasshoppers on the same rope, it is best to love each other and have a harmonious world?

    ——I'm afraid it will be regarded as a new confession trick by Yuan Fat'er and the others!

    Since she was out of words last time, now Zhou Yunchen's team members make fun of her whenever they meet.     Sentinel at the door: " Sister

    -in-law, I ordered my brother to go on a mission. Just left, don't worry, it's just patrolling." Useful


    Yuan Fat'er: "Fairy! Help me and your family Zhou Mingming take a leave of absence, my stomach hurts..."

    God damn Zhou Mingming! Who is fate? She just wants to be quiet!

    But now Zhou Yunxi went out on a mission, went out early, and didn't tell her, she was really worried. She was really afraid that if she didn't take care of it at a glance, "her life" would be taken away by zombies. But her ability is so weak, even if she wants to go together, Zhou Yunzhen will not take her because of the danger, so the most urgent thing is to improve the ability.

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