Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

    Under Zhou Yunzhen's arrangement, Zhou Yunzhen, Lin Molu, and Yuan Pang three people in one car, plus the six supernatural beings picked by Zhou Yunzhen, a total of nine people set off in the afternoon, aiming at the Red Dragon Base of the ski resort.

    The atmosphere this time was obviously different from before. Only after leaving City D, the roar of zombies could already be heard. There were definitely a lot of them, but they were not yet a wave of zombies.

    The two cars parked on the viaduct, observed with binoculars, not daring to approach them rashly.

    "It's not just the zombies, the boss, but also the gunshots. I suspect that Yuanlong and the others fought with the people left behind." Yuan Pang put down the binoculars.

    Another player said the same.

    Lin Molu was stunned: This is so powerful, fighting among the zombies!

    Fatty Yuan gave the binoculars to Lin Molu, and Lin Molu took a look, and immediately felt goosebumps all over his body. I saw a group of densely packed zombies outside the red dragon base iron fence in the distance. In comparison, the scene she saw the day she first came here was nothing at all.

    The situation is basically not bad as they expected.

    "Is it a wave of corpses?" she asked.

    "What kind of corpse tide is this?" Yuan Fatty said, "You have never seen what kind of corpse tide, this is at most a siege. But it is enough for the people inside to drink a pot."

    If it is an ordinary red dragon, it should Not afraid, but now that the Red Dragon Base has been seriously injured after internal friction, and Qu Mengze drilled Confucius, the situation is hard to say for a while. Lin Molu suddenly felt a little scared. If they really fought Yuanlong at that time, both of them would be hurt. It would be like helping Qu Mengze a lot. Now Qu Mengze has time to deal with Fang Zhou directly.

    so close!

    But this time Yuanlong was unscathed and saw through Qu Mengze's true face, even if it was for his younger brother Yuanhu, he would not let Qu Mengze go.

    Qu Mengze's plan was disrupted, and he must have had a headache. What's more, at this time, there is a zombie siege.

    What Lin Molu couldn't figure out was why the tide of corpses that originally happened in the ark turned to the red dragon. Could it be that this tide of corpses followed the hero?

    A terrifying thought flashed through Lin Molu's mind, and then he denied it, thinking it was impossible, but...

    Lin Molu: "Bang Bang, let me ask you, is there a special ability that can control zombies?"

    Help the elves: " Zombies have no intelligence, only instinct, and they cannot communicate."

    Lin Molu: "No, in the book, the author said that the BOSS became the queen of zombies, not only breaking the table with force, but also able to use many advanced combat skills. He is not his opponent at all. Moreover, the Zombie King can summon zombies, so how can it be said that he has no wisdom?"

    Help Elf: "That is also instinct, because Zhou Yunchen's years of combat experience have been integrated into his muscle memory, so even if After being berserk, he will still make the best judgment in the battle. As for summoning zombies, it is purely because he is too strong. Ordinary zombies will be timid and surrender in the face of strong people who are impossible to fight, just like humans driving cattle and sheep. , It is also instinct."

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