Chapter 65

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Chapter 65 The Sun Hypothesis

    Lin Molu didn't like the rebellious appearance of the third spare tire.

    But this time, she actually sort of agreed with him.

    Qin Zheng went around such a big circle, and finally came to the result: if he wants to survive, he has to complete this very dangerous thing for him. Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Fang Zhou... If Zhan Tianyu hadn't made trouble, they would have retreated undisturbed. Now that we've come full circle, things are back to square one.

    If it wasn't for Zhan Tianyu's obvious stupidity, she would have suspected that this matter was conspired by Le Land and Zhan Huo.

    Zhou Yunchen obviously also had doubts about this matter.

    "Dean Qin, even if you say so, we don't think it's a good idea to get in touch with the radiation core now."

    They can also wait. According to his experience, such large-scale hordes of corpses often don't last long , They now have sufficient supplies, and they can't afford to consume them at all. When the situation outside improved a bit, they could rush out without taking the risk of colliding with the queen.

    "Finally, I still have some brains." Zhan Tianyu snorted coldly, and fell silent again.

    Seeing them like this, Qin Zheng knew it was useless to talk too much, so he just sighed.

    His current identity is too sensitive, and Zhou Yunchen's willingness to take him in is already the best of humanity, and he has no position or ability to instruct anyone.

    He said: "Captain Zhou, I understand the concerns of you and Young Master Zhan, and my old man is not ignorant. But I still want to tell you how powerful it is, and it's up to you to decide whether to go or not."

    "Okay, tell me. "

    Lin Molu also listened attentively. Every time the old man Qin spoke, her task bar would improve a little bit. According to the current progress, it will be very exciting once the task is completed. If you have money, you can buy props, maybe there is something else that can kill the queen for her.

    "The space center was built 30 years ago, but this underground laboratory was built 25 years ago. It was built because of an unexpected event, that is, the appearance of the thing I mentioned."

    "What the hell is that?" Yuan Pang asked curiously.

    "It's a meteorite."

    It was not Qin Zheng who spoke, but Zhan Tianyu in the corner.

    Qin Zheng was not surprised that Zhan Tianyu would know this, rather he felt relieved: "It seems that your father didn't hide it from you, yes, he was also involved in the secret mission to build this place."

    Zhan Tianyu looked contemptuous and sarcastic.

    Lin Molu noticed that Zhan Tianyu seemed to have a strong dislike for Paradise and the people who came out of Paradise.

    Sure enough, Zhan Tianyu said coolly: "Next, do you want to say that meteorites contain abnormal cosmic energy, and science could not study them at that time, so you had to analyze and experiment here day and night, but before the experiment was successful, catastrophe came ?”

    “That’s true.” Qin Zheng said.

    "Fart!" Zhan Tianyu stood up, his eyes were piercing, "Sure enough, he is full of lies, just like what the old man said, the top management of the 'Paradise' are all cunning and hypocritical profiteers. It is obviously you people who caused the trouble, How dare you fabricate lies about solar radiation mutations and instigate wars, but hide yourself like a coward, shameless!"

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