Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 Farm Recruitment

    Fortunately, there is good news for Lin Molu. After today's actual combat, Lin Molu was pleasantly surprised to find that her ability finally broke through the upper limit of experience and was promoted to level three. She observed that Lin Qianyu's level was almost at the third level, so that if they met again, the gap would not be too big.

    However, after this upgrade, she couldn't understand the new skills that emerged.

    Lin Molu: "Help, please explain to me, what is 'space transfer'?" It seems to be some derivative skill.

    Help Elf: "You need to discover this by yourself. The system is just a quantitative interface, and it cannot affect reality."

    So the so-called upgrade skills are just an extra "skill name" in your skill column , there is not even a skill introduction, because the system does not know how to activate and use it.

    Lin Molu: Today's help is still very useless. JPG.

    Help: I ​​am being crazily disgusted by the host every day . JPG. ——He

    is already a mature system, he can face the host's complaints by himself, and use emoticons gone back.

    After her ability was upgraded to level three, Lin Molu was finally able to officially join the team and go out on missions. Zhou Yunzhen did what she said, and she did not stop her from going out with the second team. Although it was just a small task of carrying and there was no major danger, it was much better than staying at home before.

    In fact, Lin Molu is not greedy, as long as Zhou Yun can't wait for the task, she doesn't have much interest.

    Fatty Yuan mocked her every time she didn't go on a mission at all, but went to stare at Boss Zhou, as if she was worried that a beauty would appear in the group of zombies, and Boss Zhou would be lost.

    Lin Molu can now basically rely on the work on the small farm to support her own life, and she doesn't need to rely on others to support her. She can spend the rest of her time as she wants. She still has a lot of things to investigate, and she doesn't have time to go step by step.

    Boss doesn't even talk about her, so what others think?

    When she is free, Lin Molu still spends time with the women and children on the small farm. This is the place she took the lead in establishing, and it has been fruitful now. She doesn't want everyone to think she's leaving her partner here.

    More than half of the women in the small farm have awakened their supernatural powers. Some of them are suitable for combat, and they will go out with the team on some less dangerous missions every now and then. Because there are several people with wood and earth superpowers, and when these people wake up, their level is generally higher than one level, and they are making rapid progress. Their side is getting more and more decent, and the efficiency is almost the same as that of the big farm next to it. They will wait for the harvest in autumn and feel proud.     After the Red Dragon belonged to the Ark, some people were transferred there. The accumulated habits there were too deep, and many rules were troublesome to change. These things all fell on Gao De Yuan Pang. Fortunately, there is less provocation from the red dragon now, and the team has less resistance. There is no rush to sort out the red dragon. Yuan Long has a lame leg, and now he is extremely honest, Zhou Yunchen is the only one, and he will never dare to turn his back on him.     It's just that there are too many players running at both ends, and there are occasional shortages of manpower on the farm side.     Lin Molu was thinking about recruiting another batch of people within a month.     It is different from the previous one where the ducks were put on the shelves, this time the small farm is already a hot job, and there are hundreds of people in the base who are interested in applying. There is a mixed bag of people among these people, many who used to look down on women and spoke bad things about the small farm behind their backs, now seeing that this place is different, they all speak good things again.     What annoyed Lin Molu the most was that there was still a man who had traded in the White House to talk about "old love".     Seeing the shameless look of the man, Lin Molu picked up the shovel and drove him out on the spot, and went to Gao De to report it.     This kind of thing has never been "legal" in Ark. It's just that women don't report it because of their own face, and it's not easy to investigate on Ark's side. Now someone throws himself into the trap. If he doesn't deduct his supplies for half a year, he will be sorry for his "consciousness" .

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