Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

    On the third day after Lin Molu's meeting with Qu Mengze, she learned from Wang Guochun that Qu Mengze had made concessions in the negotiations, and the "superficial" concessions in the negotiations indicated that the "inside" negotiations had gone a step further.

    During this period, the snow started to fall again, and the snowflakes fell continuously for three days. It was not big, but it never stopped.

    The body temperature plummeted, and due to the lack of timely means to keep out the cold, some people even started to suffer from frostbite.

    The second team brought in another batch of supplies from City D, all of which are winter supplies. Fortunately, winter clothes do not have a shelf life. Although some of them have been stacked in the warehouse for a long time and are hard pressed, it is a soft coat again after a shake. , There are many shopping malls in D city, and this kind of material is not difficult to get. It's just that the weather was hot in the past, and this thing took up space, so no one took it.

    Lin Molu chose some military padded clothes that were very warm, put them in the small house in Lingyu Space, and used the copy function to copy a large number of them. However, the energy of Lingyu is obviously not continuous. By the time of the tenth batch, the generation of things will be very slow. Lin Molu selfishly gave this batch of best-quality supplies to the Ark team members and the women's team from the small farm, giving priority to ensuring combat effectiveness.

    As for civilians, they can get ordinary fashion items from Guan Chunlin with the ID card of the ark base, which is enough for daily warmth.

    Qu Mengze scoffed at this point.

    He didn't understand that Zhou Yunchen and Lin Molu distributed supplies to civilians for free, and he believed that it was Lin Molu's benevolence. How precious materials are in the last days. These cotton coats will not be produced in a short time. The extreme cold winter has not yet arrived, and we don’t know how long this winter will last. It is really unwise to do so.

    In fact, he really misunderstood. Lin Molu advocated collecting money, and she had debated with Zhou Yunchen about this. She felt that even if it was a gift, everyone would cherish it if they received more or less.

    But Zhou Yunzhen told her that most of the people in Fang Zhou are the family members of the army members. Since the cotton coats of the team members are free, asking their families for money is tantamount to asking for a price from these brothers who were born and died. As for the other group of people, since they have entered the Ark, they have made more or less contributions. It is a piece of cake for the Ark, but it may be a life-saving cotton coat for those people.

    This incident has nothing to do with life and death for them, but for the civilians at the bottom of the ark, it is a matter of timely help.

    If you insist on charging a price, it is tantamount to giving up on them. Even in the thriving Ark, there are still people who have a hard time.

    But at the same time, Gao De also strictly monitored the surrounding area, and once found that someone traded the cotton-padded clothes issued by the ark with outsiders, he would drive them away and deal with them. At this time, the ice and snow are no more than before, no one is yelling to leave, and no one dares to touch the rules and regulations easily, for fear of being kicked out of the place of shelter.

    In the first winter of the last days, Ark seemed to be fully prepared, everything was safe, and he was looking forward to the arrival of spring as promised. Qu Mengze watched Fang Zhou's unsteady preparation for the winter with cold eyes, and became more silent, not knowing what was going on in his heart.     After the negotiation is concluded, Qu Mengze's work this time will be considered complete. The next step is to gather the troops of Paradise, and set off to Baigang Airport with Fang Zhou, Si Tiantai, and Zhanhuo who came from Jiangbei. Baigang Airport is in the north of D City, near the ski resort. They will first settle down at the Red Dragon Base before proceeding to the next step of exploration.     This time Leland led the team besides Qu Mengze. Lin Molu was not surprised. If such a big Leland only had Qu Mengze and a scout outside, it would be hell. It's just that the way Qu Mengze contacted this companion seemed a little special.     "You want to go out?" Lin Molu was puzzled, "Did you agree on some place?"     "No." Qu Mengze raised his eyes slightly, then lowered them again, with a sarcastic arc on his mouth, "It's not impossible here, I'm just afraid to scare Ms. Lin."     Lin Molu felt that the male protagonist still lacked education after hearing the flattering tone.     "Yes." Zhou Yunchang said, "But we must be accompanied by our people."

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