Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

    Although Zhou Yunchen didn't say anything, Lin Molu probably guessed the situation back then.

    Yuan Fat'er mentioned that Zhou Yunzhen was going to pick up his mother and younger brother to come to the Ark, but on the way he found that he had been tricked by Tu Yan. Her mother saw that the eldest son was going to be corpse, so she decisively threw the eldest son out of the car. He ran away with his youngest son.

    This matter... can't be commented on, even if her choice is understandable from an intellectual point of view, one of the two sons must be kept, but Zhou Yunzhen did not die after all.

    And she didn't even think that Zhou Yunchen would be left alone in a zombie-infested city in case there was no possibility of his corpse being turned into a corpse, without leaving any supplies, and giving him no hope of surviving.

    From childhood to adulthood, Zhou Yunchen spent little time with his mother and never enjoyed the warmth of a mother's love. Instead, he was sucked blood by his family in various ways when he was in the army, and was abandoned by his relatives at a critical moment. Zhou Yunchen didn't want to mention this matter, it can be seen that his heart was terribly cold.

    But no matter how chilling he was, they were also his relatives. With Zhou Yunchen's character, since he heard the news, he would not ignore it. What's more, if Zhou's mother falls into the hands of someone who wants to threaten him and Fang Zhou, it has to be guarded against.

    "How did Song Yin know? Now that he knew, why didn't he bring someone here?"

    Zhou Yunqian didn't say a word, Lin Molu immediately understood.

    "He blackmailed you?"

    Even such a eccentric mother is also Zhou Yunchen's mother, and this trick works for Zhou Yunchen.

    "It's not a threat, but I just want to ask for favors with me." Seeing that Lin Molu really didn't want to leave, Zhou Yunzhen felt better, but he was still unhappy, especially when Song Yin and Zhou Mu were mentioned.

    He spoke with a somewhat angry tone, showing some rare childishness.

    Lin Molu said kindly: "Brother Chen, don't be angry with me, just tell me what's going on, so I can help you figure out a solution."

    She had to have a plan, and Song Yin came prepared, and they couldn't be too angry. passive.

    "Will you listen to me now?" Boss Zhou snorted coldly.

    oops! Why did you suddenly become childish? Lin Molu hurriedly said: "Yes, I have ears to listen to you."

    "Aren't you leaving?"

    "Why? I won't leave even if you drive me away! I brought up the small farm, and Ark has my shares No one wants me to go!"

    "Then you are willing to see my mother as a daughter-in-law?"

    "I's not the same thing," Lin Molu paused, his eyes clear, "This can't be confused. Is your mother lying?"

    They were talking about childhood sweethearts, and Zhou's mother would have to reveal this matter when she came, so why not act?

    Boss Zhou immediately put on an attitude of "If the uncle is upset, you can figure it out".

    Lin Molu hurriedly said, "All right, all right, you can do whatever you want."

    Zhou Yunchen pinched Lin Molu's face with a cold face: "I repeat, you are my fiancee, it is true, and I am not afraid of being exposed by anyone, and I don't care who agrees or disagrees. I say you are true." What is true is true."

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