Chapter 103

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Chapter 103

    Lin Molu kicked the accelerator, and the car went straight for a hundred yards.

    If Zhou Yunchen has already been plotted against, then the period from when he was poisoned to the corpse is Lin Molu's last chance to correct the timeline.

    Bangbang: "Honey, calm down, have you ever thought that if Qi Fan and Qu Mengze join forces, and even add Lin Qianyu, you are no match at all with one against three."

    Lin Molu was silent for a while: "... ...You are right."

    Zhou Yunchen had an accident, but the future Ark base remains the same, which means that the BOSS still has a chance, and this chance is undoubtedly himself. If she is Qi Fan, her next target may be waiting for her to find him right now.

    Now she not only has to save others, but also has to protect herself.

    Cars are racing against time on the road. There is no traffic jam in this era. When encountering a zombie blocking the road, Lin Molu runs straight into it.

    Lin Molu forced herself to calm down, thinking about the next plan. But she didn't have time to think for a long time, because the closer she got to the destination, the clearer the roar of the zombies became. Before she could park the car, there were already "fleas" flashing by the side of the road. He rushed over from behind.

    Lin Molu turned around and cut a black line, cut the flea in half, and then took out the pistol that Zhou Yunchen gave her for self-defense and shot it in the flea's head.

    Soon after the tide of corpses dissipated, the walking dead scattered in groups in various areas of City D, waiting to hunt humans. Lin Molu climbed onto the roof of the car, stood up straight and looked around, but at such a height, she couldn't see too far.

    She had never hated her abilities so much that she couldn't fly over walls. If Zhan Tianyu's wind ability...

    Lin Molu was startled, and patted her forehead. She is a cheater, have you forgotten?

    Isn't it just flying?

    Lin Molu: "Help, order two bottles of 'Copying Potion' from the mall, find a copy of the wind power in the base, and then copy Xiaoshui's five senses."

    Help: "The order has been placed, and the goods are being transported."

    Lin Bangbang's work efficiency is not ordinary fast, and after a while, two bottles of supernatural duplication medicine were passed to Lin Molu's palm. Standing on the roof of the car, Lin Molu kicked away the ordinary zombies that rushed over, and made another "cut". Even though half of the zombie's head flew out, she turned around and poured the medicine without seeing it.

    Compared with the zombies a year later, the zombies at this time were lower in level and slower in moving speed, so it was relatively easy for her to deal with them.

    After drinking the supernatural medicine, the personal interface in Lin Molu's mind opened a small branch.

    ID: Lin Molu Space Cutter (intermediate wind ability, five senses enhanced, remaining time 120 minutes.)

    The potion worked.

    Lin Molu felt that her five senses became clearer, but it was a pity that in the silent city, there were only the sound of wind and moans of zombies, and it was not as noisy as imagined. She tried to take a breath and feel the airflow around her. Her skin was more sensitive to the flow of air than usual, and her body became lighter and lighter. After several attempts at jumping, she managed to get her feet off the ground on the last attempt.

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