Chapter 104

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Chapter 104 Race Against Time

    Bangbang: "This kind of situation is usually because there is a branch in the future, and the probability is evenly divided, so there will be a 'pending' state."

    Lin Molu is not at ease: "Then now that Brother Zhang is back, does it mean that the future is stable?

    Bangbang: "Theoretically, but..." Lin

    Molu was overjoyed before he finished speaking, and raised his head and said, "That's great, brother, you... brother?"

    Lin Molu's voice echoed in the underground warehouse, On the dark, gloomy B2 floor, there are only her and Zhou Yunchang, whose life and death are uncertain in her arms, so there is no other Zhou Yunchang. If it wasn't for Qu Mengze still lying on the ground, Lin Molu would have suspected that she was dreaming just now.

    Lin Molu panicked: "Brother Chu? Don't scare me, Brother Tang? Help, what's going on!"

    Bangbang: "That's what I want to say, take a look at the boss's pulse."

    Lin Molu kept covering his hand Looking at the wound on Zhou Yunchen's waist and abdomen, she realized that the body of the person in her arms was as cold as ice. She trembled as she talked about Zhou Yunchen's breath... until she felt the faint, almost non-existent breath with her fingertips , she felt her blood flow again.

    But this shallow breathing was only felt when she activated the wind ability and was overly sensitive to air currents. The boss's gunshot wound was critical, and they were delayed by Qu Mengze. From a medical point of view, the boss was close to death.

    Because the BOSS's life was dying, Zhou Yunzhen disappeared again?

    She could feel that Zhou Yunzhen was by her side, as anxious as she was, but they couldn't see each other, and couldn't even communicate.

    The most important thing right now is to save the BOSS, and the BOSS must be sent to the place where he should appear before the past changes.

    Lin Molu said: "Bang Bang, how long will it be before the other 'I' meets the boss?"

    Bang Bang: "There are still thirty minutes."

    Thirty minutes, it is about a 20-minute drive from the warehouse supermarket where they met, and even if they race against time, they only have ten minutes.

    Lin Molu was helpless.

    Zhou Yunchen was able to hang his last breath because of the corpse poison, so Lin Molu didn't even dare to use the spirit spring for him, because the spirit spring would neutralize the effect of the corpse poison.     Lin Molu

    : "Bangbang, is there any other way to deal with gunshot wounds? Is it okay to wash the wound with Lingquan?"


    Lin Molu: "It's too late! Xiaoshan is in the ark and Luo Yubo is in the Paradise camp. How are you going to find him in Jiangbei within ten minutes?"

    Moreover, for such a serious injury, it will take at least an hour to heal such a serious injury. The duo is in sight, and it may not be useful.

    Bangbang: "There is another way, uh, as long as the person is still alive, the panacea can be..."

    Lin Molu was startled: "The panacea? Isn't that thing off the shelves?"

    Bangbang: "Yes, but We are in the 'past' now, at this time a year ago, the panacea had not been off the shelves."

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