Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 Team Lin's Daily Life

    After Zhao Yuanyuan and others took the test at Wang Guochun's place, they officially had the identity of Ark.

    Lin Molu noticed that most of these women's experiences were rough, similar to those described in the book. Some were widowed, some were abandoned by scumbags, and a small number of people with relatively advanced abilities killed the other half in resistance.

    They were ordinary office workers, housewives, and students before the apocalypse... After the apocalypse, they experienced great joy and sorrow, and finally became strong again, but they still did not lose their nature, or they were pulled back on track by their companions when they were lost.

    They had so much in common with the original women of the small farm that the two groups got along so well that they soon became a family.

    Coincidentally, Zhao Yuanyuan also has wood-type superpowers, and she is also a high-level wood-type. In addition to attacking, her derivative skills are also very powerful. Because there is information on supernatural powers in charge of everyone in the ark, of course this matter cannot be hidden from Baye Wang.

    After Zhao Yuanyuan briefly explained her abilities, it attracted the attention of scientific madmen.

    "Crop genetic improvement?" Wang Guochun's glasses shone with a strange light, reflecting a fanaticism.

    Lin Molu shuddered: "Ba Ye, let me be clear first, I lent Yuanyuan to you, don't try to keep her in the fifth team and refuse to return her, she will have to go back to the farm after the recent crop research is over. "

    That doesn't exist, I only listen to our team Lin." Although Zhao Yuanyuan got along well with Fang Zhou's people, she still only listened to Lin Molu and Shi Yao when it came to instructions.

    "Don't worry about this. I won't occupy your team members. Our fifth team is very principled."

    Wang Guochun said it nicely. The next day, he moved his crop laboratory to the edge of the small farm—we The five teams do not occupy the resources of other teams, we are all playing rogue by posting them.

    Wang Guochun euphemistically called it nearby research, and it was convenient to find someone. Anyway, there were either old men or children in his laboratory, and no one would say anything when he moved to the small farm.

    "What kind of supernatural power is this? I've never seen Master Ba so fanatical." Lin Hualuo couldn't help asking Zhao Yuanyuan, she said a little bit, but didn't go into details.

    "I can't tell. I've never used this skill before, because I don't know what it's useful for."

    "What effect?"

    "Let me show you." Zhao Yuanyuan picked a wicker from the tree, and then Concentrate...

    After a while, Lin Molu's exclamation came from the water's edge.

    "I'm X! Awesome!"

    After Zhao Yuanyuan's transformation with supernatural powers, a rose bloomed on the wicker branch.

    Is this a supernatural power? No, it's magic, obviously magic!

    "This fairy, I'm sorry!" Lin Molu bowed her hands in admiration.

    Zhao Yuanyuan was a little embarrassed: "Actually, it's nothing. It's useless in a fight. I think it's a very useless ability."

    "No, I think it's very interesting and full of magic. What does Eighth Master say?"

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