Chapter 95

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Chapter 95

    The soldier introduced that the landlord is a mother and daughter, but they are not theirs, and told them to pay attention to disguise.

    Because they didn't want to reveal their identities, the soldiers didn't go in with them.

    Zhou Yunchen stepped forward and rang the doorbell. After a while, a woman in her forties opened the door. Seeing Zhou Yunchen and the two of them, she was stunned: "You are..."

    "We are new tenants." Yun Chan said.

    He was patted a few times by Lin Molu with the "Transformer Powder", because the effect of the powder is to extend the effect in reverse. At this moment, Boss Zhou's handsome face has been downgraded in a straight line in the eyes of outsiders, from the original 9.5 to 4 points. five.

    The woman's behavior is decent, and it can be seen that she has received a good education. There is a little more laziness in the peaceful era, and a little less of the viciousness of outsiders who are desperately living. She glanced at Zhou Yunchen without expression, but when her eyes fell on Lin Molu, she lighted up slightly.

    "Come in." There was a slight change in the woman's attitude, "Your rooms are all ready, it's upstairs."

    The house in Letu is very expensive, and Zhou Yunyi and Lin Molu, whether they are husband and wife or brothers , there is no problem staying in one room.

    The woman led the way and introduced herself.

    The landlord's name is Zhao Li. Her husband is a supernatural being from the Paradise Army. He is on the ground and only comes back once every two months. His father is a scientific researcher who participated in the construction of the dungeon, but has passed away. The house is the legacy left by the old man. She lives here with her daughter, and because she has no business, she has to rent out another room and live on the rent. Zhou Yundang didn't talk much, and the landlord didn't seem to want to talk to him, instead he kept talking with Lin Molu.

    "Did you just 'come down'?"

    Lin Molu didn't expect to be seen through so quickly, so she laughed dryly: "Why do you say that?"

    Zhao Li's eyes were full of meaning, and she had obviously figured out the reason: "It's nothing good To tell you the truth, although it is strictly controlled here, it is not impenetrable, and every few months someone will find a way to get outsiders in."

    "Huh? No one will report it?"

    "Don't worry, it's not that busy. If you report it, no one will care. When you first came here, you were not even allowed to visit relatives, and it was airtight; now it's relaxed, come as you come... "Zhao Li's eyes darkened, as if thinking of something.

    Lin Molu wanted to ask again, but heard footsteps upstairs.

    "Mom, who are you talking to? Is Dad back?"

    "It's a new tenant, come down and recognize him." The landlord yelled upstairs, and then said to Lin Molu, "My daughter, you can call her Yunyun. One little girl, when I'm not at home, you can tell her what you need."

    A girl wearing a fresh skirt came down the stairs, she looked to be in her early twenties, maybe even younger.

    The little girl glanced over Zhou Yunchen, and finally landed on Lin Molu: "Hi, my name is Yang Yunyun."

    "My name is Lin...Zhou Lu." Lin Molu introduced Zhou Yunchen by the way, "My brother, Zhou Ming After

    a brief acquaintance, Lin Molu and Zhou Yunchen went back to the room, closed the door, and Lin Molu breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, the eyes of the landlord mother and daughter made her feel stressed.

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