Chapter 53

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Chapter 53 No, I Can

    Lin Molu stood up and said, "I'm looking for important person Song Yin!"

    It's only been two days since I came here from Y City, if it's faster, it will be a little more than a day. Based on the current relationship between the two families, there is no problem at all in digging out a "bitter melon". Song Yin even said generously, "Just use it if it's easy to use, don't rush to return it."

    Anyway, even when Song Yuqiao was sick, Luo Yubo was free.

    Luo Yubo was packed and thrown out that day, and Si Tian even gave a medical team as a gift. The driver was a retired professional racing driver.

    After seeing Pei Gang's situation, Luo Yubo admitted that it was more serious than he imagined. One time may not work, and he needs to be treated several times, but the fever can subside. Anti-inflammatory, detoxification, and strengthening immunity are all his strengths, so don't use it. Worry.

    When he said that, everyone's hearts were finally relieved.

    Lin Molu, like Zhou Yunchen, almost didn't sleep for two nights. Zhou Yunchen, Gao De, and Wang Guochun were discussing the next plan and the rescue of Yuan Pang. They also believed that Yuan Pang should still be alive, but after this battle, they might mobilize people after crossing Jiangbei. We have to wait for Pei Gang to wake up before talking about the war. The members of the third team usually act separately, and the accident happened very suddenly. Only Pei Gang knew what happened.

    Lin Molu is also trying to recall the plot as much as possible. She can't help much, she can only analyze more from the intelligence aspect, and then provide the results to Zhou Yunxi and the others for discussion. The other thing is to take care of Pei Gang.

    In addition to using supernatural powers, Luo Yubo also borrowed some Chinese medicine theories, using acupuncture methods like in martial arts, and pricking Pei Gang's fingers from time to time to bleed, with Guan Xiaoshan assisting. The two didn't sleep back to back for a while until dawn.

    Lin Molu looked at these two people, and suddenly remembered that she once complained that they were "male and female masters of medicine and surgery", and she didn't expect to have a chance to cooperate so soon. She supported the hill by herself, and asked another team member to take Luo Yubo to the next room to rest.

    Lying down and sleeping for a while is more useful than sitting up for a whole day. These two are the heroes of the Ark today. They cannot be "used" and broken all at once. They have to be "maintained" from now on.

    Li Zhuang stewed a pot of food and brought it over, warming it on the fire, and when he woke up, he just gave it to the medical team. After Lin Molu made all the arrangements, she went back to Pei Gang's room, only to find that someone had slipped in.

    It's a woman, who looks so beautiful even with a single back.

    At this moment, this woman is holding her chin with one hand, and stretching out her onion fingers with the other, poking, poking, poking on Pei Gang's skin that was darkened by the corpse poison...

    Lin Molu: "..."

    Hearing the sound of footsteps, Shi Yao turned her head , completely without the embarrassment of being caught.

    "Why are you back here? I'll keep an eye on it for you. You should also go and rest for a while," she said.

    Since Pei Gang came back to now, more than 80% of the people who have been in this room have not slept for more than five hours, and Boss Zhou and his wife are like iron. With such cohesion, it's no wonder Ark Rising.

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