Chapter 102

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Chapter 102 Time Paradox

    The boss's way of opening the way is much more efficient than that of Lin Molu, because he directly burns the obstacles into ashes.

    Lin Molu endured the burning smell and followed Zhou Yunchang all the way, walking like this for about half an hour.

    The area of ​​the West District is very large, and its architectural style is closer to the ground. It is much more spacious than the North and South Districts. It is precisely because of this that when the West District was built, part of its load-bearing strength was sacrificed for the sake of beauty and spaciousness, which is why it is so large. area of ​​damage.

    The people who built the paradise must not have imagined that one day they would die from this unrealistic.

    In fact, more than ten years before the Paradise Project was put into construction, people always thought that this place would become an underground attraction—a great miracle in China, a tourist attraction or something. Until a year before the catastrophe, no one thought that this place would become a giant "air-raid shelter" for humans to hide from zombies.

    Lin Molu was worried that he would consume too much energy, so he took some spiritual springs for the two of them to drink on the way. No matter how exhausted the spiritual energy is, the spiritual springs are nearly ten times as effective energy drinks for the supernatural beings.

    On the way, she contacted the system again.

    Lin Bangbang relayed some of Wang Guochun's new research results on the third source of pollution.

    Wang Guochun once again showed Lin Molu's admiration for his analytical ability. Without knowing Lin Molu's book and without the assistance of the system, he actually deduced a result similar to Lin Molu's. He also thinks that Qi Fan is inseparable from Qu Mengze and Lin Qianyu's disappearance, but compared to his worries about Qu Mengze, his focus is on Qi Fan.

    Wang Guochun believes that according to Qi Fan's actions, there are too many eccentricities in this person.

    First of all, Qi Fan seems to be omniscient. He can always know some things in advance, including the reactions of other people in the event; He didn't make much headway, and he entered the paradise entirely by going through the back door. This is very inconsistent with the city he is showing now, so there is a high probability that this person is just using the appearance of "Qi Fan", not the real Qi Fan;

    Finally, and most importantly, Qi Fan's understanding of the third source of pollution is very "advanced". Even the senior management of Paradise didn't know the situation, but he knew it, as if he had experienced it once...

    Taking advantage of the rest, Lin Molu told Zhou Yunchen what Wang Guochun meant. Zhou Yuntang thought for a while and said, "Ba Ye means that this Qi Fan is probably not doing this for the first time."

    Lin Molu was taken aback.

    Zhou Yunchen explained: "If you think about it, if he has experienced the explosion of the third pollution source, then he may have 'traversed' once and came back from the 'future'."

    How can it be like this?

    Lin Molu stared: "But then, wouldn't there be two Qi Fans in the world? He can't kill his past self, and he would disappear too."

    Zhou Yunchen shook his head: "Don't forget, he is not 'Qi Fan' at all. ’, killing Qi Fan will not disappear. And we don’t know his real identity, so he is very safe.”

    Yuan Pang also said that his original appearance was not like this.

    In this way, it is completely reasonable for him to kill Qi Fan and his original self and replace them with supernatural abilities.

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