Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

    After the Lu Fangning and Cheng Jiao incident, Yuedao became much more stable. Lin Molu only found out after listening to Gao De that there were some problems in the Ark base before Zhou Yunchang's accident.

    The end of the world is coming, and everyone is caught off guard.

    Zhou Yunzhen was born with superior conditions, he was capable, experienced, and human, but that was the case, and he was not able to handle it with ease during the initial chaos. So from the beginning, he never refused to defectors. After all, these people had been in the army, and they were easier to manage than casual people. But among these people, there are quite a few people like Mr. Cheng who became dissatisfied when they saw that Fang Zhou was getting better and better.

    Most of these people's family members were placed on the island. Many of them had no ability to survive in the last days, but because they were too well protected from the beginning, they didn't know the outside world at all.

    Zhou Yunchen wanted to use Cheng's family to make an example of others, so that these people could see the situation clearly. He won't kill them all, but these people have to learn to behave themselves and understand that if you leave the ark now, you are nothing, and the monstrous power in your hands is nothing.

    His handling not only stabilized the morale of the army, but also eased the conflict between Yuedao and the surrounding civilians.

    In fact, Yuedao was originally an area to support the family members of the team members. Because the exploration team was very dangerous every day, Zhou Yundun hoped that his team members would have peace of mind, so he opened up the inner Yuedao area. I don't know who spread rumors before, saying that Ark used the supplies earned by the common people to support the high officials of Yuedao, inciting emotions at the bottom of the base. In fact, there are no high-ranking officials, the real high-level officials have "fleeed" with the government, and all those left behind are abandoned sons. They themselves know it very well, so they listen to Zhou Yun's words.

    Now that the young misses of the Cheng family were all thrown to the outskirts of the mountains to farm, the rumors were self-defeating.

    The day after Miss Cheng was kicked out of Yuedao, a person came to the gate of the base. In fact, there are some scattered refugees gathered around the outer periphery of the ark. These people cannot enter the ark, but they are also active around the ark. After all, there is a team patrolling here, which is relatively safe. Ark will briefly check these people, but it will not be as tight as it is in the inner area of ​​Yeyue Lake.

    Among these people was a girl with a fair face.

    The girl's facial features can't be said to be outstanding, but her skin is excellent, like a star in a peaceful era, she stands out among the dust-stained crowd in the last days. The so-called one white covers all ugliness, and the supple and lustrous skin makes girls look young and beautiful, but the eyes are full of maturity that does not match their age.

    Lin Qianyu arrived at Yeyue Lake three days ago. In the last year, she has been keeping a low profile. Finally, relying on the spiritual spring in the portable space, she raised her ability to level three. In this way, ordinary supernatural beings are no longer his opponents, and with the ability to protect herself, she also began to look for a group that suits her.

    Her first choice is the Ark Base.

    She knew that two years later, this place would become the core base of the last days, governing the largest organization of supernatural beings. With her current ability, she will definitely get Fang Zhou's attention. Maybe this time she can meet that person earlier and redeem the regrets of her previous life.

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