Chapter 87

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Chapter 87

    More and more people cast unfriendly eyes on the troublemakers.

    The man became angry with embarrassment: "Don't be fooled by these people's little favors!"

    Li Zhuang pinched his waist and pushed the man back fiercely: "You look down on Xiao Enxiaohui, then don't bark here, take the clothes on your body. Take it off, and return all the benefits you got from the ark. What an ungrateful thing!" The

    leading woman seemed a little scared when she saw that there were so many people on the other side. Originally, the man was pushed towards her, but when she hid, the man sat firmly in the snow. He was incredulous at first, and then glared at the woman.

    The woman flinched, and immediately shouted: "Why are you beating people? This is... bullying! You should think about it, the qualifications for the paradise are limited. If you stay in the ark today, don't regret it in the future!"

    "Get out and hurry up!" Get lost, why are you talking so much nonsense."

    "That's right, are you going or not?" The

    man showed a ruthless look on his face, "You don't have to provoke me with words! When I came to Ark, I naturally trusted Boss Zhou's character and ability, but Zhou The boss is gone. The Ark base has fallen into the hands of this surnamed Lin, are you going to hang out with this woman in the future? Do you think it is reliable?" The

    man repeatedly emphasized that Zhou Yunzhen had encountered an accident, which was really disturbing.

    Only the girl group of the small farm did not respond. For them, whether Zhou Yunchen is there or not, and whether they are in the ark is all a matter of Lin Molu's words.

    Lin Molu's eyes turned cold, and she pointed out: "You keep saying that Boss Zhou is gone, I ask you, who told you, did you see it with your own eyes? Why is my man alive or dead? I don't count what I say, but you want one Outsiders help me decide? How can you prove that you are not spreading rumors?"

    "Then don't worry about it!" The man said to the surrounding people, "Everyone believe me, Boss Zhou will definitely not come back anyway. At that time, I cried and regretted that I didn't go with us, and I was sold and helped count the money."

    "Fart your mother!" Yuan Pang also stood on the hood at this moment, only a head shorter than Lin Molu: "I followed Boss Zhou to the second source of pollution. If something happened to Boss Zhou, wouldn't I know?" The

    man He snorted coldly, "Who knows what your intentions are in concealing the news. I think you are just thinking that the ark is going to be in chaos, and you want to embezzle supplies and escape with our things. You said that Boss Zhou is still alive, so why don't you ask him to come back?"

    The man was aggressive, and Yuan Pang was so angry that his hands burst into flames.

    What kind of thing is he, a thing that can't be named, when will the leader of the ark need to report to him when he enters and exits the ark?

    Lin Molu waved her hand: "It seems that everyone must ask for an explanation today."

    "So what? We have a share in the ark."

    Lin Molu sneered: "That's not up to you."

    She stood up straight , the facial features are clear and beautiful, and the eyes are pure. Compared with the man's wicked brows and mouse eyes, he looks even more frank.

    "Fang Zhou's family, I'll just tell you the next thing - first, Zhou Yunchen took the risk for the second pollution source, not for himself, but for the most affected Fang Zhou, which is next to the second pollution source. The base is for all the people in Ark; secondly, everyone has also seen that now some people use the banner of paradise to divide us, stab us with knives, and lure you with empty words of 'Xanadu', but you can join them or leave The Ark.”

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