Chapter 101

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Chapter 101 Sixty thousand people

    Lin Molu said: "Compared to Qu Mengze and Lin Qianyu, Qi Fan didn't show up after we made such a big commotion, which is very strange in itself.

    " By the way, it's really not his style.

    Zhou Yunzhen also agreed with her opinion, but they knew too little about Qi Fan, and the only thing they knew was from Qu Mengze, and it was hard to tell whether it was true or not.

    He comforted Lin Molu and said, "Perhaps when we find Qu Mengze and Lin Qianyu, the truth will come to light. Worrying now is useless, and you are tired, go and have a rest, huh?"     Faced with Zhou Yunchen's persuasion, Lin Molu also Acknowledging the facts, the top priority is the migration of dungeon residents, as well as changing their perception of supernatural beings and the ground, so that they are no longer full of fear of the end of the world. These concepts have been brainwashed by Promise for a long time, and it is not particularly easy to transform.     The first step in transforming their concepts is to let them walk out of the dungeon and see the outside world with their own eyes.     Lin Molu sighed, feeling that there were endless things to do. Zhou Yunchen is right, don't be in a hurry.     "Then I'll go to sleep for a while, don't be too tired, we are not made of iron." The     superhuman is also a human being, with better physical strength, not a tireless robot.     "Okay."     Lin Molu returned to the lounge that Zhan Tianyu had prepared for her alone. These days, she and Zhou Yunchen went back and forth on the ground and underground. This was the first time she went back to the camp to rest. The inside of the room is very tidy, there are no extra decorations, only one bed. Looking at the pink bear's sheets, the corners of Lin Molu's mouth twitched, and he sat down on it with his eyes closed holding back his irritability.     Lin Molu lay down with her clothes on. Xu was really tired. She just wanted to squint for a while, but fell asleep before she knew it.     After an unknown amount of time, Lin Molu suddenly opened his eyes.     Ding dong, the system prompt sounds.     ——Special task, complete redemption, fail.

    A bad premonition lingered in her heart. Lin Molu seemed to hear a loud noise in the confused building, and then the earth shook, her ears continued to roar, and she had a severe headache. She leaned on the wall to barely stabilize her figure, walked out slowly, and at the same time called the system in her mind.

    Lin Molu: "Help, what's going on?"

    Help Elf: "The situation is a bit complicated, and the data is being sorted out."

    After a while, the voice of the system came again.

    Help: "High-intensity radiation has been detected spreading around. The radiation source is located underground. It is preliminarily speculated to be the third pollution source. It has not caused damage or mutation effects on the surface yet." The

    third pollution source? That "bomb"?

    Lin Molu: "What happened? Wasn't it fine just now? Who touched it?" The

    third source of pollution is the core of the entire underground city's energy supply, and it should be guarded by high-level people. And the third meteorite has remained stable for two years, how could it suddenly release radiation?

    Help: "Warning, the information collection is complete, the test confirms that the third pollution source has been destroyed. The dungeon has suffered serious losses, more than half of the residents have been killed or injured, and the redemption mission has been declared a failure."

    What? !

    Lin Molu was shocked.

    She gritted her teeth and asked, "Who did it?" Bangbang

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