Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

    Lin Molu had a faint feeling before that the BOSS might be nearby, but now that she saw it with her own eyes, and saw him in the uniform of the Paradise Army, there was something she didn't understand.

    Just escaped from danger, and went to Paradise non-stop as an undercover agent, not to mention whether it was dangerous or not...Can't you report a letter to your family?

    After a month, there is no news of his old man, everyone in the ark is in fear, and there is a large group of people who are waiting for the announcement of his death to "divide the family property". Fortunately, he thinks about it as soon as he thinks about it, the dignified leader, brother Countless, actually acting without authorization.

    Lin Molu became more and more angry when she thought about it, and another zombie rushed over. She saw that it was a monster, and with both hands, two cracks crossed and cut the zombie to pieces.

    Zhou Yundan, who was about to catch up behind him, looked at the zombie that had been cut into four pieces, and felt a sudden twitch in his heart.

    I haven't seen you for a month, what should I do if my daughter-in-law is even more fierce?

    "Boss, let's change first." Liu Xiaoyi took off a set of shirts and gave them to Zhou Yunchen.

    In such a chaotic battle, it is always not good for him to wear the uniform of the paradise.

    Zhou Yunchen took it, and changed his coat twice, but he didn't take his eyes off Lin Molu for a moment.

    "Boss, don't blame Team Lin, she is also worried about you." Liu Xiaoyi said while delivering the equipment, "Not long after you left, Team Gao also went looking for you. If you are not careful, you will be bullied——"

    Zhou Yunzheng was taken aback: "...What are you lonely for?"

    Liu Xiaoyi realized that he had said something wrong: "It's nothing, you are back, so you can't call it that." Team Yuan said Well, Boss Zhou doesn't know about the child yet. Suddenly being hit on the head by such a big son would make anyone stunned, let him experience it for himself.

    Although he felt that Liu Xiaoyi's expression was a bit strange, Zhou Yunchen didn't bother to pursue it at the moment.

    He strode towards Lin Molu, Lin Molu felt the unique heat and knew who it was, and refused to look back.

    He said helplessly: "Lu Lu, don't be angry with me, can I explain to you when I go back?"

    Lin Molu turned her head to look at him, and gave a muffled "Hmm".

    She doesn't have to make trouble on the battlefield, but in this chaotic battle, it is difficult for her to happily give the boss a reunion kiss. It is not a movie, and the kiss between the man and the woman on the main battlefield is too exaggerated, not to mention the surroundings. The smell of corpses.

    Lin Molu's mind was quickly regained by rationality. She said, "There is a group of people who haven't come out yet. They must be in trouble. The second team will go to meet them. We need to buy time."

    "I'll do it." The equipment is complete, and as soon as he speaks, the people in the team will automatically retreat.

    Lin Molu felt as if there was a powerful fortress in front of her. This long-lost sense of security made her nostalgic and nervous. I couldn't help but focus on the man's back, wide shoulders and narrow hips, wasp waist and long legs, and his movements were smooth and smooth while walking leisurely, all in one go, a few balls of light flashing and thundering, thunderous, clearing the scene in an instant...

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