Chapter 107

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Chapter 107 The original world outside the episode You

    A certain area on a certain floor of the 30-story office building is leased by a social APP network operation team named "Blue Sail". At six o'clock in the afternoon, after get off work, in the research and development area of ​​this area, no one left the work station for two years.

    Get off work at six o'clock, that is stipulated by the labor law, not by the company. Even if you can't do 996, how can the company go public?

    But today is someone's head iron.

    "Brother Fei, I've sent you the new IOS banner."

    "Got it. There's also the Android one..."

    "We'll talk about the rest tomorrow. I'm off work. Aren't you leaving?"

    UI team leader: ? ? ?

    Program colleagues: ? ? ?

    Product Manager: ? ? ?

    "Then I'm leaving, bye."

    In front of the technical director who had just entered the room, Lin Molu got up, picked up her bag, and clocked in, all in one go.

    Accompanied by the astonished gazes of his colleagues and the obviously distorted expression of the technical director, Lin Mo left the company without looking back.

    Behind her, the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

    The technical director threw away the folder and looked at the product manager angrily: "I can't control her anymore, right? She is the only one who gets off work when the whole company works overtime? Who gave the privilege?

    " Throwing it on the UI team leader's desk: "I can't control her anymore, can I? Just do it if you can, and get out if you can't!" The

    UI team leader really wanted to pass on this anger, but he looked at it and wrote Lin Molu in vain. The name of the station finally let out a long sigh.

    Grassroots leaders are hard to do!

    It has been a month since Lin Molu returned to the real world. During this month, she tried hard to find clues about her wearing a book, but found that except for the blank few minutes, she was like a dream.

    She even sent a private message to the author of that book, but got no response.

    Lin Molu was not surprised. If it were her, she might only think that she met a crazy book fan. After all, from her experience, the male and female protagonists in that world were completely black, but it was her, a passer-by female partner, who robbed her luck with the boss. The original author's mother might vomit blood when she saw it.

    But after losing the clue of the novel, she no longer had any clues, and could only return to work three days later.

    I am used to life in the end of the world, but I am not used to it when I come back. When I see a public faucet leaking, I have to take the initiative to repair it. I have to go to the supermarket every Friday to stock up a large amount of goods. I can’t help but frown when I see my colleagues wasting food. She has also developed the habit of watching news broadcasts. She wants to know about the international and domestic situations. Although most of them are irrelevant to her, she always needs to be aware of them before she can feel at ease.

    However, for more than thirty nights, no matter how she called, the system did not respond at all.

    For more than a month, according to the time flow of the two worlds, several centuries have passed there... Thinking of this, Lin Molu felt extremely depressed.

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