Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    Zhao Yuanyuan was also happy for her after recovering from the initial shock. At the same time, she confirmed even more that Shi Yao did not misread the wrong person. Team Lin looks like a bronze, but in time, he will definitely be a king!

    The two girls were happy, but there was noise from the direction of the farm. Guan Xiaoshan ran over sweating: "Sister Lulu, go and see, someone is making trouble!"

    Lin Molu sank, and strode towards the farm go.

    To be honest, Lin Molu would not be surprised if someone came to make trouble three months ago. But with the small farm's current reputation in the ark, if he dared to make trouble—then she would respect him as a man.

    When Lin Molu came to the edge of the field, she saw a woman standing in the middle of the crowd. She was about 30 years old and had good looks, but her temperament was mediocre, which lowered the level of her facial features. The woman pinched her waist with both hands, and she had a typical shrew look. Because her aura was too dazzling, even if she didn't look carefully, she ignored that there was a man beside her. The man shook his head deafly, his face was bruised and purple, and he shrank obediently beside the woman, not daring to breathe.

    Judging from the positions of these two people with clear priorities, it is already possible to clearly judge who is the protagonist.

    Lin Molu pushed aside the crowd and walked over, and saw a girl from the small farm with red eyes, who had obviously just cried, and a group of little sisters were surrounding her to comfort her.

    The girl's name is Ye Ye. During the catastrophe, her parents were gone, and she was stranded in the ark. Because she had no supernatural powers or skills before, life was very difficult. When she was desperate, she was spotted by Jiang Meijuan, and she reconciled with her into the white house, but because of her introverted personality, she was mentally repulsed by such things. Every time she walked a little with a man, she would start to vomit, and retch when there was nothing in her stomach. At first, others suspected that she had it, but all the women in the room knew that those men didn't touch her at all.

    The men said that they couldn't be touched, they vomited when they approached, and they lost all interest...

    Jiang Meijuan scolded her a lot because of this, and later kicked her out.

    After coming to the small farm, Ye Ye's condition improved a bit, but she still couldn't get too close to the man, not even ordinary contact. Wang Guochun said that this is a heart disease, usually due to the shadow and stimulation of childhood, even in peaceful times, it is not easy to cure, let alone in the end of the cannibalism. Fortunately, there are many women and children on the farm, and the men are only Gao De, Wang Guochun, and Little Monkey, and nothing will happen if they keep a certain distance.

    Ye Ye was one of the earliest women in the small farm who awakened the ability, and it was a more practical wood-type ability, but because of this problem, she couldn't do missions, so she was still relatively "poor".

    Lin Molu went over to ask what was going on.

    Li Zhuang pointed to the man and woman and told her: "That man, here, Chen Qiang, the one who was punished by Gao De when you sued him last time, that is his wife, Li Yingnan, who is here to make trouble. Said that Ye Ye seduces Chen Qiang. It’s funny, Ye Ye has a 'phobia of men', and when she walks on the road, she will throw up if she looks at him twice, how can she seduce?"

    Lin Molu remembered Li Zhuang's reminder.

    Chen Qiang is squatting right now, with his face buried in his hands, and no one reminds her that she really can't recognize him.

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