Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Family of Origin

    In the end, Zhou Yunchen didn't let Lin Molu get out of the car.

    Calling Yuan Fatty such a surprise introduction, Lin Molu's little face turned pale with fright, and he didn't lose his composure when he saw the Aowao monster.

    Seeing that Lin Molu looked at him more and more wrongly, Zhou Yuntang asked Yuan Fat'er and Lao Gao to squeeze into other cars, and he took Lin Molu's own car so that he could talk. But in this way, in the eyes of everyone, the relationship between these two people is confirmed.

    "If you have a daughter-in-law, you don't need siblings." Fatty Yuan hummed.

    "Fuck off, fat fat man, don't squeeze me." Lao Gao glared at Fatty Yuan, who smelled of sweat from the heat, and it stinks to death.

    It's all because of this fat man's messing around, which made the girls unable to get off the stage, and they couldn't drive well.

    "Tsk, you still can't see it?" Yuan Fat'er's eyes were dark, and he was very thoughtful, "Our boss hasn't succeeded yet. It's the first time Boss Zhou has had a tree bloom in so many years. What's wrong with being a brother's secret helper?

    " Gao Yi was taken aback: "No way?"

    Hei Bulong stayed together for three days, and when he came out, he smelled of alcohol and his clothes were disheveled, so it's not pure?

    "Tsk! Look at you, you are short-sighted. The two of you haven't pierced the window paper yet. In my opinion, this girl is absolutely determined to our boss. She didn't look at it and said she wanted to vent her anger on Boss Zhou? This She treats the boss as her own. My sister said that a woman is like an old hen protecting his cubs when she likes a man. She has no brains to protect the man she likes." Lin Molu was basically in this state.

    Gao De nodded, and he agreed with this point: "But I think our boss still has scruples."

    "This is the sequelae of Boss Zhou's stay in the army for so many years. He doesn't know how to work hard when it's time to hurry up. No matter how good you are on the mission No matter how powerful you are at cutting zombies, letting women take the initiative is not a good man, is it? So let's push as much as we can. Besides..." Yuan Fatty lit a cigarette and pinched it in his hand, "Did you notice that, Boss Zhou used to talk about going home, but from just now until now, he hasn't mentioned a single word."

    Gao De patted his leg: "Didn't you just talk about this, you noticed it too? I didn't dare to make a sound. Do you think something... happened in his house?" Gao De made an expression of sticking out his tongue, don't Their family has become "Aoao monster".

    Yuan Fatty snorted coldly: "It would be better if he died."

    Gao De's face sank: "What are you talking about! How dare you curse the old family?"

    "Don't make trouble, what kind of family is he called?" Yuan Fatty When I mention it, I get angry, "Why did the boss become a soldier in the first place? Didn't he get run over by his eccentric mother? When the boss was bleeding outside, they asked me a question? The mother and son are holding the boss's hand at home." I don’t know how happy I am. I don’t know how happy I am. Not to mention anything else, just his brother, what kind of bastard? A big man buys a wedding house by squeezing his mother and brother’s money. To tell you the truth, the boss said he would When I came to pick them up, I felt a pain in my head, wishing they would die outside and not drag the boss down."

    Gao De felt that they were Zhou Yunchen's relatives no matter what, so he couldn't speak too harshly, but he wanted to distinguish between the two. Sentence, I can't even find the words.

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