Chapter 106

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Chapter 106 Prequel: The Fairy and the Zombie King

    This is the story that happened before they met.

    The blood in his whole body seemed to be frozen, his body was heavy, and the outside world was bright, but he could only feel the cold.

    There are walls on three sides, only one road, and in front of it is a red river with a sweet temperature. A voice was desperately interfering in his mind, and he could be relieved by walking over.

    Zhou Yunchen retreated instinctively, but when his will went against the voice, his brain felt like a tearing pain. He couldn't help shouting, but only heard a horrible whine from his throat.

    What kind of voice is this? Is this yourself?

    He finally followed the voice's instructions and came to the river. A force pushed him forward. When he was about to touch the blood-colored river, he stopped, lowered his head, and saw his own shadow reflected on the river.

    Ugly turquoise skin, cloudy eyes, festering flesh, crying and roaring, is that me?

    He was overwhelmed by anger, he wanted to accuse, he wanted to question why God had treated him like this, but he could only let out a monster whimper. That piercing voice was still circling in his mind, as if it wanted to tear his consciousness apart, pulling the little of him out of this body, turning him into a complete walking dead.

    Zhou Yunchen retreated in resistance, wanting to stay away from the red river of blood, but found a transparent wall behind him at some point, thinking on three sides, he could not retreat.

    The killing that does not belong to me in my heart is clamoring, wanting to devour the living, wanting to tear apart all moving objects, wanting warm blood, wanting...

    Zhou Yunchen grabbed the transparent wall with both hands, desperately Howling.

    Is there no peace even after death? He is not afraid of death, but he cannot become a monster who only knows how to kill. The faces of his former teammates are reflected in the river of blood. Once he sinks, he will end their lives with his own hands, or turn them into peace. A monster like myself, enduring this torment of life and death.

    Save him, who will save him, or—kill him.

    "Zhou Yunchen!"

    A scream suddenly came from the opposite side of the wall, with the only ray of light in the darkness.

    Zhou Yunchen found the gap almost immediately, a wave of obsession supported him, and resisting the gravity of the river, he roared and swung his fists to hit the wall.

    Once, twice... The

    body has lost consciousness for a long time, so I don't know the pain, and I don't know if the arm is still there. The fist may have been broken, but it doesn't matter, he still has feet and legs.

    At the third blow, the transparent "wall" collapsed, and glass-like shards flew around. Under the black glass, he saw the light again.

    "Zhou Yunchen!" The voice came again.

    This time Zhou Yunchen heard and saw it, it was a girl's voice, a voice deeply buried in his memory. His vision gradually became clear, the girl curled up in a corner, the horror in her eyes hurt his heart that had stopped beating for a long time.

    "Is it useful to call him by his name? He still looks like he wants to bite me!" The girl spoke into the air anxiously, as if communicating with some invisible person.

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