Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

    Zhou Yunchen walked over, but Lin Molu said first: "Why are you here?"

    It's not time for his boss Zhou to personally supervise the training.

    "I heard that there are lemons that can be cultivated to become spirits, and they are here to refine them. Fairies are not allowed to become spirits in the last days, you know?"

    Lin Molu: ...

    Look at this small-mouthed person, who is full of memes every day, without any burden of a boss. No wonder Qu Mengze is the hero.

    "Bold mortal, how dare you compare me as a fairy with a goblin? Why don't you confess quickly!"

    Acting, pretentious! Will she lose her play?

    Zhou Yunchen said seriously: "I'll have to prove it before I know if it's a monster or not."

    Tsk, it's still able to connect, the boss scene has grown.

    "How to prove it?" Lin Molu raised her face, provocatively.

    Then this shameless mortal came to gnaw her mouth, and "checked" her inside and out, kissing Lin Molu until she blushed, and collapsed in Zhou Yunchang's arms, with the tip of her nose touching.

    "Well, it's not sour, it's sweet, it's really a fairy."


    What a sand sculpture dialogue!

    Lin Molu didn't need to turn her head to know that there were a group of people watching under the shade of the trees on the playground.

    "Let's go, let's go home." Lin Molu didn't have the face to look up, she was ashamed as nothing, if she didn't leave, Boss Zhou's character in the ark would be completely collapsed.

    Zhou Yunqian chuckled: "I'm here to pick you up. Does your leg hurt? Let me hug you?"

    Lin Molu had just finished exercising, even though she had stretched, she was still sore right now. She shook her head hurriedly: "No, no, what does it look like in the blue sky?"

    Zhou Mingming: So she is allowed to stare at him in the blue sky as if she wants to eat meat?

    "But my leg hurts a little, why don't you carry me on your back." Lin You have no burden and I have no burden. Fairy looked at him with a smile.

    After listening to her boyfriend's love history, I don't feel sore at all, so it's okay to be a little coquettish, right?

    Zhou Yunchen squatted down in front of her, and Lin Molu pursed her lips and pounced on her, but her body was a little stiff, and she didn't dare to put all her strength on it. She thought about making a fuss and was about to get down, but she didn't want Zhou Yun to get up and not let her get down.

    "It's like a feather. I can suck you up with my supernatural powers. Let's go home and eat more." As he spoke, Zhou Yunchen strode his long legs, really planning to walk all the way back.

    Lin Molu hugged Zhou Yunchen's neck tightly, looked at the man's side face, handsome and handsome, but remembered Yuan Fat'er's words in her ears.

    She remembered that when he saw Zhou Yunchen for the first time, he was almost turned into a corpse. It was a corpse poison purified by Tu Yan, which was more severe than being bitten by a zombie. But he still restrained himself, and he didn't rush to bite her immediately, which is enough to show that he is strong enough in terms of physical fitness and willpower.

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