Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    When Lin Qianyu was taken away by Zhan Tianyu's people, she still had expectations in her heart. He felt that Zhan Tianyu would come back to find her in a short time, and it was the same in his last life. Every time Qu Mengze was mentioned, Zhan Tianyu was very angry, but in the end he always gave in.

    In fact, it was Qu Mengze who had no news of her who really made her feel disheartened.

    It was Qu Mengze who asked her to encourage Zhan Tianyu to encircle Zhou Yunchen. She thought he just wanted to watch them fight, but when she heard that Zhan Tianyu's team was wiped out, she felt a chill in her heart.

    This matter is exactly the same as the previous one in Red Dragon, the only difference is that last time they contributed Shi Yao, this time she came to do the beauty bureau in person to trick Zhan Tianyu...but she swore that she never thought of Zhan Tianyu's death. After all, Zhan Tianyu was very kind to her in the previous life, and gave her the whole flame of war. At most, she hoped that Tianyu Zhan would hand over the flame of war like in her previous life, and stop interfering in these disputes, because they didn't get it in this life. For the Ark, the flames of war are of paramount importance.

    Besides, Qu Mengze never thought about how embarrassing her status would be after the war if Zhan Tianyu died?

    The old man Zhan Hao has never acknowledged her identity, and everyone in the Zhanhuo base only regards him as Zhan Tianyu's woman, an ordinary "woman", not a girlfriend, let alone a wife. So these days, she has to work hard to get in touch with old man Zhan Hao. Anyway, the old man has to rely on her spiritual spring to maintain his physical condition, and even if he doubts it, he will not touch her for the time being.

    Lin Qianyu thought that she was safe for the time being, and if Zhan Tianyu came back and took good care of his father, she would have a way out. Unexpectedly, Zhan Tianyu really came back, and brought back Zhou Yunzhen and Lin Molu, talking and laughing happily.

    When Zhan Tianyu came in, he saw Lin Qianyu biting his nails angrily.

    Seeing Zhan Tianyu, Lin Qianyu felt more at ease, and he really came.

    She recalled all kinds of past life in her heart, compared with this life, Qu Mengze disappointed her again and again, and even if she betrayed, Zhan Tianyu was still willing to accept her again and again, and couldn't help feeling a little moved. She secretly made up her mind that if Zhan Tianyu asked to stay again this time, she would agree.

    So she let go of the aloofness that could be created, and leaned over proactively: "Tianyu..."

    Five minutes later, a hoarse scream came from the cabin.

    "Zhan Tianyu—you wait for me!"

    "No time." The man said coldly.

    Zhan Tianyu came out of the hut, and told the guards on both sides: "Take care of her."


    Zhou Yunyi and Mr. Zhan were talking in the ward at the moment. This kind of advanced conversation between foxes, Lin Molu couldn't intervene If so, go back to the living room and wait. The small building of Zhanjia still maintains the antique decoration, yellow rosewood chairs and tea tables, typical Chinese style of local tyrants. A guard brought her tea, and the tea tasted very strong. Since coming to the end of the world, Lin Molu hadn't smelled this kind of smell that represented comfort for a long time.

    But within ten minutes of being at ease, hurried footsteps came from outside, and one could tell who it was.

    Zhan Tianyu rushed back in a hurry, sat down on the chair opposite Lin Molu, and patted the table with one hand: "Sister, do you see this!"

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