Chapter 72

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Chapter 72 Winter Solstice

    Lin Molu is very devoted to work at all times. On the one hand, it is a personal habit, and on the other hand, it is because this is her first year in Ark, which has a different meaning.

    Because autumn has already passed, the day of the year-end celebration is set on the "winter solstice".

    As soon as the news spread, the Ark was active from the periphery to the island. The second winter solstice after the end of the world is not as hopeless and depressed as the first one, but it has become a kind of expectation.

    On the one hand, it’s been a difficult year, and everyone has joys and sorrows, but those who have survived until now have become more and more secure; the other is that when they heard that there were street vendors, some small businessmen became more active. Woke up. These people are full of business wisdom, but due to their weak abilities, they can't walk around like "snail merchants" in the last days, and they have to keep an eye on the rules in the ark all the time so as not to cause trouble. It is great news for them that the vendors are now open. They have ten thousand ways to draw other people's money into their own pockets, depending on whether there is a chance.     With the active participation of everyone, all the stalls for the celebration were rented out soon, selling things, selling handicrafts, food and drink, all kinds of things, and some games, rings, shooting, picking Treasures, riddles and the like, as long as there is no gambling involved, the gifts will be given by the team, not to make money, but to create an atmosphere.     Gao De's side was in full swing, while Lin Molu and Shi Yao's side seemed deserted.     Everyone wants to watch the show, but almost none of them want to act in the show. After all, food and clothing are only barely enough at the moment, and it is still too early to talk about building spiritual entertainment. Lin Molu and Shi Yao mobilized everywhere, and even set hard targets for each team. Each team had to produce a program, and finally a program list came.     The first team is a chorus of male voices, "Military Songs are Loud and Bright", which is the usual song in the army. There is no need for rehearsal, just open your mouth. Gao De himself was very busy, so he handed it over to his subordinates when he didn't have time to organize it. Everyone picked the simplest project, which didn't take too much time;

    As a result, the other teams found out that it was tricky, and immediately handed in four or five chorus programs. Good guy, there are less than ten programs and six choruses in one party, Shi Yao was furious and rejected them all! She made it clear that first come, first served, starting from the second team, no more choruses are allowed! This is a cultural evening, not a chorus competition! And Shi Yao said, there will be voting at the end of the show, to choose the audience's favorite, and there will be substantive rewards for those who are judged by the art festival.

    As soon as there was a reward, the teams became more enthusiastic. It's not because they are greedy for that little thing, it's a matter of face.

    So the second team changed a program, and Lin Molu almost burst out laughing when she saw the program list.

    The members of the second team sold the captain directly for the reward. I don’t know who wrote a joke for Yuan Pang, and incorporated his favorite little tunes into it. Later, he probably felt that this person usually likes to talk and talk, and it’s no different when he goes on stage alone.

    In the end, the second team drew lots internally and selected a person to praise the captain, and this person was Liu Xiaoyi.

    Poor Liu Xiaoyi washed his hands six times, but he was finally selected. Now after training every day, he memorizes three pages of words with a bitter face.

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