Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 Entering V Entering Three-in-One

Lin Molu was tightly bound at the moment, looking at his sweaty vest from a close distance, her whole body was stiff and at a loss.

Next to my ears was the man's deep and sexy voice, so provocative as hell: "You have to be real in acting, this is a regular plot."

God damn acting! Lin Molu could feel the man's body as hot as a stove through his clothes. Because the crowd's expectant eyes were too hot, she raised her hand and thumped Zhou Yunchen's back, which was regarded as a hug.

"Let go, I'm sweating all over my body." She used her disdain to hide her blushing.

Zhou Yun smiled, let go of his hand, and introduced to her: "This is Pei Gang, the captain of the second team. He just came back."

Seeing Lin Molu's face, the man was a little dazed, but he quickly recovered, "Fairy, I've heard of you for a long time. . "

Different from Gao De's self-contained gangster, this is an easy-going man who loves to laugh.

My brothers don't need to greet at the door. Lin Molu, Zhou Yunchen, Hou Minglei, and Pei Gang got into a car, and Gao De left behind to distribute the supplies. As soon as he got in the car, Boss Zhou held his wife's hand tightly, rubbing his thumbs, making Lin Molu itchy, and kept staring at him-Boss, are you acting so detailed?

There was a smile in Zhou Yun's eyes: "I heard that someone came here to continue his life?"

Lin Molu: Boss, you will lose this fairy if you chatter like this, do you know that?

"I'm here to find the little monkey!" The fairy regained her pride.

Zhou Yunchen also saw the woman just now, and he asked Hou Minglei: "Who is it? Looking for you?"

"No," Hou Minglei turned his head from the co-pilot, "Brother Zhou, I think this woman is very strange. She wants to find Cheng Jiao first. , we told her that Cheng Jiao was on the mountain, and she was looking for my aunt again, and I asked who she was, but she didn't say a word, and left when she saw you come back."

"Is it a supernatural person?"

"Yes, it shouldn't be weak "Hou Minglei is very sensitive to the strength of the power, he can tell at a glance that the woman's power should be above level two.

"The person is gone?"

"It shouldn't be far away. I heard that they have been wandering around us for several days, as if looking for someone."

"Don't be a spy from the Red Dragon, right? They have recruited a new team over there. There are a few women who are both beautiful and powerful." Pei Gang said while driving.

Hou Minglei asked: "Brother Pei, do you want to say that she is beautiful or that she is amazing?"

"Don't you understand? The more beautiful a woman is, the more powerful she is." Pei Gang smiled, and his eyes seemed to glance over Lin Molu.

Hou Minglei didn't think so, his aunt was also pretty, but he didn't want to be serious and just dreamed all day.

Zhou Yunchen said: "Let Gao De send someone to watch and see who she is in contact with and what she is investigating."

Hou Minglei responded immediately.

Back at Yuedao Bridge, Pei Gang challenged Zhou Yuntang with a smile: "Boss Zhou, you will come to have fun with the little fat boy at night?"

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