Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    "...Is that okay? When he comes back, I'll ask him about his personality, hobbies, health status, marital status, and the color of his underwear, okay?"

    Because the surroundings were very quiet, the sound was loud and clear, even a little Echo.

    Zhou Yunchen: ...

    Gao De; Yuan Fatty: F*ck, we seem to have heard something terrible! Is someone thinking about their boss's bottoms?

    "Boss, it seems that the fairy is not as delicate as you said?" Fatty Yuan held back a laugh and teased. This is very angry, it turns out that the boss likes it for so many years that he has not been close to women.

    Lao Gao also had a face of understanding. You said that these lonely men and widows are full-blooded, living together in the same room for several days, and they are in such a state of life and death, maybe the other party is the last human being I saw. Putting her hands up and down...

    Zhou Yunchen touched the tips of her hot ears: "Don't talk nonsense."

    Lin Molu also heard footsteps at this time, and she nervously hugged the light source in her arms. The remaining group as big as a firefly was carefully protected by Lin Molu, like a flame. It's a pity that even if there was no wind, she couldn't keep the scattered light. Just when she heard the sound of footsteps, the light ball completely dispersed.

    Lin Molu didn't dare to be exposed to the lights, so she got up and hid in the direction of the shelves.

    When she ran, she happened to welcome Zhou Yunli and the three of them in.

    Zhou Yunqian saw the emergency light from a distance, but found that there was no one under the light. He breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't care about anything else. He strode over and was about to pinch a ball of light to illuminate it when he felt someone bumping into him. Zhou Yunchen's body instinctively entered a fighting state, but he relaxed the moment he touched the skin, and his heart fell back into his stomach again.

    "Hiss—" The moment she bumped into someone, Lin Molu took a breath, and before she could scream, she suddenly stopped.

    This smell...

    "Brother Chen, is that you?" She sniffed vigorously again.

    52 degrees of Jian X Chun's wine smell, can't go wrong!

    "...It's me."

    Zhou Yunchen felt her sniffing at her like a puppy, and the little bit of skin-to-skin tenderness that had just risen in his heart was gone, leaving him unable to laugh or cry. He had to take a shower as soon as he got back, otherwise he would be bound to this kind of "manliness" for the rest of his life.

    Suddenly, the person in his arms hugged his back tightly, with great strength, as if releasing some backlog of emotions. Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment, feeling that the skin touched by her was burning again, as if soaked in high-concentration alcohol, burning panickedly.

    "The ball of light is gone, why did you come back? You scared me to death!" Lin Molu hugged him and jumped, her hair pricked Zhou Yunchen's neck, as if every strand of hair was complaining.

    Because Lin Molu was too scared, she had to keep talking to the gangbang to divert her attention, and waited and waited until Zhou Yunchen didn't come back. In the end, she didn't care much about what she said. When she heard the sound just now, she was very nervous, but now she suddenly relaxed, and she just wanted to hold on tightly to her only human compatriot.

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