Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

    Hou Minglei and Jiang Yuran's little trick tricked Qi Fan into a circle. When Qi Fan left, his face was pale. As soon as he walked forward, the two teenagers on the back foot burst into laughter in the room.

    Wang Guochun's guess was correct, there was no problem with the information of Le Land, it was Qi Fan who pretended to be clever and got a copy of the watered-down information Purgatory to fill up, trying to fool Fang Zhou.

    This behavior is quite stupid. Basically, as soon as Qi Fan entered the door, Wang Guochun, a man with an IQ of 200, could see through him.

    "He just asked me how to awaken my supernatural ability. I told him that it varies from person to person. It would be good to get more sun exposure, and then he really went to the sun hahaha." Hou Minglei started to take a walk outside, laughing until his stomach ached.

    Wang Guochun knocked him on the head: "This time, don't make an example. Don't provoke him in the future. We still don't know his background."

    "What kind of background can he have? Isn't he just a mediocre person who eats and drinks in the Academy of Sciences?"

    " Impossible So," Wang Guochun said earnestly to the young man, "there are no real mediocrities in the Academy of Sciences, only ordinary people who are geniuses and hardworking. Your so-called mediocre people are usually those who have worked hard but failed to get what they wanted, and finally had to give up. Although Qi Fan's character is not good, his academics are not at the bottom of the list, and it is not all because of his background that he can gain a foothold in the Academy of Sciences. No matter what you say, he is your elder, and he has crossed more bridges than you have traveled. I underestimate

    my lord." "Tsk, I can't tell." Hou Minglei pursed his lips.

    Both Hou Minglei and Jiang Yuran have grown up in stature these days. Looking at their backs, they look like two grown men, but one has an immature face and the other is too handsome. .

    Gao De escorted Qi Fan away, and there was no one else in the house. Wang Guochun's eyes fell on Jiang Yuran. Jiang Yuran usually followed Pei Gang's third team. Although he often came to the fifth team to look for Hou Minglei, he didn't stay here permanently. He came here today with a mission.

    "Yu Ran, how are you doing?"

    Jiang Yuran was called here, of course it was Professor Qi Fan who came to "see through" this paradise.

    Jiang Yuran thought for a while, and seemed a little at a loss for how to describe it.

    Hou Minglei was stunned: "Why, is there a problem?"

    Qi Fan didn't have supernatural powers, so it stands to reason that Jiang Yuran could easily "understand" him.

    Jiang Yuran frowned, as if he was not sure: "That's the problem, his heart and words and deeds are highly unified. What Professor Qi says is what he thinks in his heart. He feels like a very simple person."

    Simple Another explanation is also called "stupid", Hou Minglei thought so, but Wang Guochun fell into deep thought.

    "Yuran, don't worry, just say what you think."

    Jiang Yuran's eyes flashed with firmness, he thought for a while, and said: "I have heard many people's 'heartfelt', it's not that I haven't seen the height of the three of words and thoughts. Unified people, such as children, before the age of five, children often really say what they think, say what they say, and think what they say. But even children, due to differences in expressive ability, what they say and what they think are not exactly the same But this Professor Qi can do it, without missing a single word, without missing a single word."

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