Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

    As a result, the landlord's mother and daughter waited until dawn, but there was no movement in the hut. Yang Yunyun complained in every possible way, and Ms. Zhao had no choice.

    It is impossible for the medicine to have a problem, the only problem is the two brothers.

    But Yang Yunyun didn't want to hear these things. When she thought about what would happen next, Yang Yunyun felt that she couldn't be so passive. She couldn't create "accidents", so she took the initiative to attack.

    Lin Molu had a good night's sleep last night, and she felt at ease with Zhou Yunchen supporting her when the sky fell. What he didn't expect was that Yang Yunyun blocked the door as soon as he went out.

    Being bet by a girl, and because of emotional problems, this has never happened in her original world. Seeing the bright look in the little girl's eyes, Lin Molu's heart sank... Is she not giving up yet?

    Lin Molu turned back and said, "Brother Chen, wait a minute, I'll have a conversation with Ms. Yang." Yang

    Yunyun heard Lin Molu say this, and before she had time to secretly rejoice, she felt the man behind Zhou Lu glance at her coldly, Those eyes were like blades, making Yang Yunyun subconsciously timid.

    "I'll wait for you downstairs." After Zhou Yunchen finished speaking, he really left them alone.

    As soon as the man left, Yang Yunyun breathed a sigh of relief.

    She didn't know why, but she was always a little afraid of Zhou Lu, an "unattractive" brother. She felt as if her throat was being choked by a glance, and she didn't dare to breathe loudly. After walking around the road, the surrounding air seems to have increased the oxygen content.

    "You...why didn't you come to play games with me last night?" Yang Yunyun asked.

    It wasn't until Lin Molu realized that what the little girl was talking about happened yesterday morning. She said: "I was too tired when I came back yesterday, so I went to sleep directly.

    " Yang Yunyun was startled: "Didn't you drink the soup my mother gave you?"

    Lin Molu wanted to say no, but he was afraid that if he told the truth, the other party would make other fools, so he simply said, "Miss Yang, I just happen to have something to say. I want to tell you."

    Yang Yunyun looked at her with moist eyes: "You should call me Yunyun."

    Looking into Zhou Lu's eyes from a close distance, she felt that the other party was not generally good-looking, and it seemed different from the feeling of being handsome when they met at first sight. Today's Lin Molu's face is a little softer, she thought, Zhou Lu If it's a girl, it must be beautiful.

    Lin Molu: That's because I forgot to touch up my makeup with the "Easy Face Powder" this morning.

    She lowered her expression and said, "Okay, Yunyun, there is something I have to let you know. I have a special constitution since I was young, and some medicines have no effect on me. Thanks to your mother and your great love, I hope that such things will not happen." There will be another time."

    Yang Yunyun's face turned pale. Lin Molu spoke so bluntly, no matter how stupid she was, she knew that things had been exposed.

    "I...I...I'm sorry." Yang Yunyun was shy and guilty, and there was a difference between having the courage to do something and being pointed out on the spot.

    Lin Molu was actually not very cruel to such a young girl, she still softened her tone and said: "If you like someone, you shouldn't approach him in this way, and I'm sorry, I... Actually, I'm already married."

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