Chapter 100

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Chapter 100 He Didn't Die

    for him?

    From the very beginning, Qu Mengze knew that Lin Qianyu approached him for a purpose. He didn't know where she knew some things about him, and he didn't know why she was so sure about his "future", but this woman's so-called "love" "It is indeed based on a "premise".

    The premise is that he is not the current Qu Mengze, he is a "Qu Mengze" who is infinitely more beautiful than he is now.

    She doesn't love him, she loves her own "dream". In the dream, her man is the king who rules the end of the world, obedient to her, doting on her, the kind of unique life she wants.

    Qu Mengze asked her back: "If you really love me as much as you said, where were you when I was down?"

    She deliberately approached Zhan Tianyu in Jiangbei, even at the expense of her appearance.

    "How much do you know about me? Do you know what I want? Do you know why I do these things?"

    She didn't know anything about his past, but she pretended to know him very well.

    "If you were really doing it for me, then why did you do everything possible to stumbling me when I was about to succeed? First, you used my people to target Lin Molu, and then prevented me from getting in touch with Song Yin, allowing Fang Zhou to take advantage of the loophole... Lin Qian Yu, wake up, the only one you love is yourself, all the stupid things you do are for yourself and have nothing to do with me."

    She did so much just to make him the "Qu Meng" she wanted Ze", so that I can dream with her!

    Lin Qianyu's eyes were filled with panic, she shook her head and backed away, "No, that's not the case, how could I not love you, we are destined to be together!"

    Qu Mengze's eyes flashed ridicule, he said mercilessly : "Destined? Who is doomed? I don't know where your determination comes from, but I can tell you that I can't fall in love with anyone, past or present, and you are not that special one. I allow you to stay By my side, it's just because you have a lot of secrets, and these secrets may be beneficial to me."

    "But it turns out that your secrets are nothing more than that."

    It's just a bit of self-righteous "precognition" and a stolen space spirit jade with incomplete functions.

    If these things were given to him, he would still have the confidence to make good use of them. Unfortunately, Lin Qianyu's brain is obviously not that good, and she played a good hand into a bad one.

    "! You're talking nonsense!" Lin Qianyu shouted excitedly, "What do you know? It's not my fault! It's Lin Molu, it's her! She should have died long ago, and so should Zhou Yunchen, without Zhou The Yunchen Ark is ours, yours, and mine! Mine! I am the chosen woman, and I am the noblest woman in this last world, you don’t understand, you don’t know anything!”

    Qu Mengze Looking at Lin Qianyu, who was immersed in the beautiful dream she wove and didn't want to wake up, she didn't want to pay any attention to it.

    What he is more concerned about now is who released Lin Qianyu and brought him here from the ark.

    He was keenly aware of the movement in the dark, and said in a cold voice: "Who, come out!"

    A deep laughter came, and Qi Fan revealed half of his face from the dark. He has been here for a while, but Qu Mengze didn't notice it, which shows that he was seriously injured in the second pollution source.

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