Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

    When Lin Molu turned her head, her eyes were full of provocation, and there was nothing pitiful about it.

    Zhou Yunchen embraced Lin Molu with one arm, and the light shield in front of him illuminated the coldness in his eyes.

    "Yuanlong sent you here?"

    Yuanlong is the leader of the Red Dragon. Although he has always had conflicts with Fang Zhou, he is still polite and only dares to be embarrassed when Zhou Yunchen is not at home. It was rumored that Zhou Yunzheng's incident was the news spread by Red Dragon. Zhou Yunzheng dealt with him severely after he came back.

    Huo Wenjie never expected that Zhou Yunzhen would come to this kind of place, and seeing Lin Molu's complacent this the little boy she raised? She calls the boss of the Ark base, the strongest known supernatural being in the last days, Little White Face?

    Hell, he actually believed it!

    Could it be that the rumors that Zhou Yunchen brought back a woman from Yuedao were true, and that woman was Lin Molu? !

    Huo Wenjie felt that the world was crazy, and he felt like someone had slapped him hard. At that time, Lin Molu was the flower of Gaoling in school and looked down on him. Later, in the end of the world, she asked him for something and had to give in, but he still hadn't succeeded.

    Now, she has actually found another powerful man, which seems to be humiliating him on purpose - see, your surname Huo is not good enough for me, it's the same all the time.

    Huo Wenjie suppressed his hatred and taunted: "Master Zhou, I respect you as a character, why do you want the rest of others' games? The leader of the ark really doesn't pick..."

    Lin Molu's expression changed, and he was about to scold back , the ball of light condensed in front of Zhou Yunchen had already bombarded Huo Wenjie.

    Zhou Yunchen deliberately controlled the power, and only took out one-tenth of what he used to fight the zombies, so that Huo Wenjie would be shocked without dying.

    "Think about it before you speak." The man's voice was as cold as a blade.

    Huo Wenjie immediately realized that the person opposite him was not someone who could make him speak quickly.

    "No, don't kill's not me! I didn't come here...I...ahh!" Huo Wenjie was paralyzed and painful after the electric current passed through his body, so that a fishy liquid dripped between his legs .

    I'll go...

    Lin Molu frowned, and Zhou Yuntang gently covered her eyes.

    However, Lin Molu pulled his big hand down and used it as a handkerchief to cover his nose and mouth.

    My eyes can't smell, so why cover my eyes? Lin Molu's eyes said so.

    Zhou Yunchen: ...

    Huo Wenjie was injured and bled profusely, and now he was shocked by the electric shock, and his face was pale at the moment: "I said! I said! It's not Master Long, it's the second master who asked us to come. The second master likes little boys. This woman wants to please the Second Leader, saying that she has a beautiful son in Fangzhou, and the Second Leader will definitely like it. We'll come... come."

    Jiang Yuran's eyes flashed despair.

    Zhou Yun looked at the pair of mother and child, with imperceptible sternness flashing in his eyes, Lin Molu noticed the tension in his body, and looked over with some concern.

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