Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

    Lin Molu: "Bangbang, what's going on here? Why doesn't the heroine follow the plot?"

    Help Elf: "My dear, it might be a bit troublesome here! Although it is a book world, because it is a parallel space, there are many In different planes, everyone looks similar, so they often make mistakes..."

    Lin Molu: "Speak human."

    Help Elf: "We made a mistake in the space, this is the derivative world in the book, according to Huo Wenjie's description , We have reason to suspect that the heroine is reborn."

    Lin Molu: "The heroine is reborn! Isn't "The Last Favorite" just a rebirth slap in the face?"

    Help Elf: "I mean, the heroine Lord... she was reborn again, a second time. So she came to find Qu Mingze in advance."

    Like Lin Molu, she knew the plot direction of "The Last Favorite", but for her, it was not a This, but her previous life.

    Lin Molu was aggrieved: "That is to say, I don't even have this slight prophetic advantage?"

    Bangbang: "...No, you still have me! The heroine doesn't have such an excellent system support like ours!"

    Lin Molu: "I Can you exchange such an excellent spirit jade space with her? Just two days."

    Bangbang: "Of course not."

    Lin Molumo: Garbage system! Just one mouth is great!

    It is true that Lin Qianyu does not have a customer service who can only endorse books and do sales, but she has a powerful plug-in space. The space is a secret realm of another dimension. It can not only store materials, but also have spiritual springs, which are of great help to supernatural powers. .

    By the way, what on earth is this woman thinking? The first life was too much of a failure and it’s okay to start all over again, but in the second life you’ve been pampered, what’s there to be dissatisfied with?

    Facing the same man for three lifetimes, even Wu Yanzu will get tired of it, don't you want to change your taste?

    When Lin Molu was communicating with Bangbang, Huo Wenjie had already crawled to Lin Molu's feet, begging for mercy in tears. He knew that his fate was in Lin Molu's hands, if she was willing to say a few words for her, Zhou Yunchen would definitely show mercy.

    "Miss Lin, I know I was wrong, I have committed a heinous crime! I beg you, don't kill me, we were teammates before, please look at the past! I swear I will hide from you and never appear in front of you again!

    Fatty Yuan sneered: "Fairy, don't be soft-hearted, can you believe the oaths made by this thing?" He

    advised Lin Molu to think clearly, she and Huo Wenjie had talked so much, Boss Zhou's expression was already not very good.

    Lin Molu really looked at Zhou Yunchen, but Zhou Yunchen remained silent, as if waiting for her to speak.

    But Lin Molu didn't know what to say.

    After a long while, Zhou Yunchen sighed: "You want me to let him go?" If Lin Molu really hoped so.

    Lin Molu shook her head, and when Fatty Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, she said, "But I don't want you to kill him either."

    Don't want to let him go, don't want to kill him?

    Zhou Yun raised his eyebrows.

    "This man helped me, and he single-mindedly hurt me twice. We've already evened. He's damned, but I don't want you to do it... I think it's weird."

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