Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

    Zhou Yunchen's reaction left Lin Molu speechless, she knew she was being chatted to death this day.

    After returning to the room, Lin Molu called up the long-lost system interface.

    ID: Lin Molu

    Level: LV3 (87713)

    Attribute: Space Ability User

    Skill: Space Cutting Space Transfer

    Tasks Completed: 1

    Task in Progress: 2

    Account Balance: 10 Gold

    When seeing the balance item, Lin Molu sighed for a long time in one breath.

    In the system novels she had read before, the gold coins for a task were usually tens or hundreds of dollars. Someone like her who stayed in the apocalypse for more than half a year and only had ten coins in her hand must be a legend.

    Lin Molu: "Bangbang, why do you think your company is so picky?"

    Helper Elf: "My dear, our company's reward system has been reviewed by the Space-Time Consumer Association and is in full compliance with industry regulations. The reason why the balance does not increase is because You haven’t been active in the mission.”

    Lin Molu: “You guys have problems with the mission, so blame me?” When we

    met for the first time, I asked her to kiss the BOSS, knowing that she had the secret of a time traveler, and told her to be honest with each other. If she does any task, she will be treated as a psychopath, okay?

    She doesn't feel that she has the aura of a heroine, and the author will take care of any stupid things. She is just an unlucky tourist passing by, and she came here without preparation.

    Help Elf: "Because it is purely accidental that my dear will stay in this world, the system is also temporarily generated, and has not been tested so... some places are relatively inhumane. That's why we have artificial customer service like Bangbang to help you at any time. Answering questions."

    Lin Molu: "Artificial? I have wanted to ask for a long time, help, are you actually human?"

    Is this broken system in an office somewhere, blowing on the air conditioner, drinking milk tea, wearing The earphones say "Hello, 100X6 is here for you", and take off the earphones and say "Silly X users can't understand human speech"?

    Bangbang: "Bangbang is the most advanced AI in the known universe."

    AI, artificial intelligence, is not human.

    Lin Molu was curious: "Then do you have an entity?"

    Bangbang: "Then do you need it?"

    Lin Molu: She seemed to be a pervert...

    Lin Molu: "Forget it, pretend I didn't ask."

    Lin Molu checked again All kinds of cheats in the mall have found the refreshing feeling of using Taobao in peaceful times, but unfortunately the cheapest pair costs 15 gold. In particular, there is one thing in the mall that is super useful for her current situation. If she can get it, it will kill Song Yin's weakness, and she will definitely be able to grasp the initiative over Si Tiantai in one go.

    But useless, poor, no money, can't afford it.

    Still have to find a way to make money.

    Lin Molu clicked on the task interface again, looked at the only two tasks in it, and fell into deep thought.

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